05' Plastic seat trim always popping off? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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05' Plastic seat trim always popping off?


Well-Known Member
September 23, 2002
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Del Rio, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 XLT
I tried to search, but couldn't find the proper search wording I guess.
My new 05 has leather seats. I find that everytime I either enter or exit the front seats the side plastic panel always pops off at the top. There is a plastic hook moulded to the back of the plastic trim piece near the top, and it hooks into the metal seat frame. It always pops free with any pressure applied to the seat cushion.
Is this a 'normal' problem with these seats or am I the only unlucky one?
All it does is make the plastic panel stick out from the seat at the top. Of course it buggs me since I just got this new X. I never had this type problem on my older X's.
Maybe a little JB Weld and I'll glue that sucker in permanently? ;)
Anybody have a fix for this? Just live with it?
Thanks for any help here.

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go with the jbweld, seriously, as soon as i read your post i was thinking epoxy that sucker... ;)

If it's still under warranty, take it to the dealer and get a new piece. I wouldn't mess around trying to glue it. Let them fix it.

Yep, I got full warranty coverage and could use it. The thing that gets me is that BOTH sides do the same thing. This has me believe that it might just be the design itself, rather than me having a "defective" part. That's why I was wondering if anyone else had had this problem. Heck, it might not bother anybody else but me anyway?!
To be clear...I'm talking about the plastic trim piece on the outboard sides of the front seats. It has the lumbar knob, power seat switches, etc...sticking out. It seems to have a screw at the bottom to hold it on, but on the top there is just a moulded in plastic hook that sits in a hole that is cut out of the seat frame. The side loads put on this piece when getting in and out of the seat seems to pop the hook out of the metal hole.
I looked at the plastic panel and the plastic hook area, and all seems in good shape. The hook doesn't appear worn down on either side.
I have leather buckets with power seat position, power lumbar. Passenger side is manual. Both pop free with the side loads.
What do you all think here? Hard to believe that I'm the only one to have this problem?


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I see you have running boards but you probably do like me and just step out on the ground anyway. I haven't had a problem with mine, but we bought a Toyota Prerunner the other day and it sets up real high and I noticed the panel on the driver's side had cracked in two places from getting in and out. Maybe you just need to adjust your butt when getting in and out of it so it don't put too much pressure on the panel.

I guess 2 against 1 and I lost. My wife agrees with you, she said the same thing the other night after we went out to dinner. Seems HER side didn't do the popping act, so she said it was my big butt and I need to slide off the seat a bit easier and quite being so rough with it! You guys have it in for me! I swear, I try to be as gentle as possible, BUT, I haven't tried using the running boards yet...hmmmm?
I'll see if I can change my entry/exit strategy.
Thanks for the input!

plastic cover

Same problem with my 04 even the cloth seat cover was coming off. I bought it used with 20000 on it took it to ford the first time lasted a week 2nd time to ford they took it to a corvette interior place and it lasted 2 weeks. took the seat out took the lumbar knob off drilled a small hole near the lumbar spot and used a small screw and nut and no problems in about 7 months. Still looks good.
It seems to be a bad design. Step out of the seat do not slide out...

Hey, thanks for the info. Maybe I'm not losing my mind and it is happening to other's here too? I think I just want to be a bit too **** about my new X...I'm just sooo proud of my baby!
I notice you have the KKM filter. Does it work well on our later models? I had it on my 99ohv motor and it was a nice little kit. How is it on these never 4.0 SOHC motors? Easy install? What has to be removed this time? I've got to start the mods all over again. I can see my wife rolling her eyes already :rolleyes:
I can still kick myself because when I traded in my 99 I accidentally left my Autovation engraved "Explorer" aluminum pedals in it. Darn things were beautiful and cost me like $70. I think I want the ones that have 4X4 this time. I finally have a 4x4 to play with!!!!


I like the intake. very easy to install my six year old daughter could do it.
the only problem with it is the filter has a whistle between 2000-2500 rpm. I might just get a k&n filter to replace the one that came with the intake.
It sounds pretty good with the flowmaster

Thanks again! I figure the KKM would probably be the same as the one I installed on my 99 model. I'm just hoping it is as simple in respect that there are no hoses to relocate...no big mods required.
I blew it with the 99 in how I wasted money throwing in mods, only to lose them by having to trade it in. I can't believe I didn't strip them off....what a stupid thing to do.
Eplorer pedals, computer chip, KKM, EE rear sway bar, Gibson exhaust, etc, etc. I realize they wouldn't work on this X, but at least I could have traded/sold to help me work on this one?! My wife has caught on to how I sneak little mods on now, so she keeps an extra close eye out now :(
Thanks again,

04 xlt 4x4 said:
Same problem with my 04 even the cloth seat cover was coming off. I bought it used with 20000 on it took it to ford the first time lasted a week 2nd time to ford they took it to a corvette interior place and it lasted 2 weeks. took the seat out took the lumbar knob off drilled a small hole near the lumbar spot and used a small screw and nut and no problems in about 7 months. Still looks good.
It seems to be a bad design. Step out of the seat do not slide out...

I have the same problem on 2004 XLT. Mine is on the passenger side but I think I'll try this tip on mine. If it doesn't work, I'll never see it.

My 02 did the same thing when I used to own it.

LOL, it's a Ford...what did you expect..... :p

For what it is worth, my 05 Trailblazer has/had the same problem...

Yeah, I know...big deal, the seat trim pops off. I guess I'm just too **** about my cars. It BUGGGGGGGS the crap out of me. Everytime I open the door I look down at it and get the urge to wring a Ford designers neck :fire:
I'm still trying to find a solution, none of my experiments have worked so far.
Anyone else?

I would definately make the dealership tired of seeing me until they got it fixed under warranty. They may even have a technical service bulletin that addresses the problem. If you mess with it and are not able to fix it you won't have the warranty to fall back on for this perticular problem.

Bottomlesspit said:
I tried to search, but couldn't find the proper search wording I guess.
My new 05 has leather seats. I find that everytime I either enter or exit the front seats the side plastic panel always pops off at the top. There is a plastic hook moulded to the back of the plastic trim piece near the top, and it hooks into the metal seat frame. It always pops free with any pressure applied to the seat cushion.
Is this a 'normal' problem with these seats or am I the only unlucky one?
All it does is make the plastic panel stick out from the seat at the top. Of course it buggs me since I just got this new X. I never had this type problem on my older X's.
Maybe a little JB Weld and I'll glue that sucker in permanently? ;)
Anybody have a fix for this? Just live with it?
Thanks for any help here.

dont mess with it at all, goto the dealer let them replace it, the EXACT SAME thing is wrong with my 05 explorer, turns out that some assembly line worker forgot the small metal clip !!!

its common all my fords over the years have had missing clips, tabs, screws, in random places

good ol' american workmanship :confused:

aspitaletto said:
its common all my fords over the years have had missing clips, tabs, screws, in random places

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Same exact problem with my 05 Mountaineer. The Dealer is getting it back with a print out of this forum..

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just to add to this post, today my lumbar support knob FELL OFF, yea just decided it didnt want to be attached to the seat anymore...

looks like the small plastic tab was mishandled in assembly, and is broke.

might have popped off today because it was below 60 this AM, id immagine that the plastic shrinking because of the temp let this happen
