'10 Explorer LTD. Head Rests | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'10 Explorer LTD. Head Rests


New Member
October 8, 2005
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Washington State
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT, '10 Ltd.
Hi All,

So we've had this '10 Ex. LTD. for almost a year now and the front seat head rests are driving us NUTS!! They have such a severe forward angle to them that you end up driving with your chin almost on your chest. VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!!

So.....has any one else had this same problem?? How did you handle it? Are there after market headrests (without video monitors)?

Please let me know.


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Mike - I know this may be dumb, but have you checked the manual to see if there is a way for them to tilt forward and back? Doesn't sound right that they are stuck in that position.

Interesting... I am going to look this up in the shop manual, hopefully to find something useful.

you can get headrests from an 06-08 and swap them out.

My 06 do not force your head forward.

Other dumb question have you adjusted the height of which they are sitting?

I have a 2009 Explorer Eddie Bauer with the same headrest issue. I have tried adjusting up and down but at 6'3" there is no comfortable adjustment for them. I tried turning them backwards but then I have no head support in an accident. The dealer blames the gov't for requiring the design. I adjusted the seatback in a more rearward position and live with it, but I will look into the 06 - 08 suggestion.

Let me know what you find. '09 Limited with the same issue. Wife can't have a pony tail or bun without B&$*#!( for the entire ride about it.

Let me know what you find. '09 Limited with the same issue. Wife can't have a pony tail or bun without B&$*#!( for the entire ride about it.

Cut a hole in it for her. :D

They bend easily. Just sandwich the "wrapped" (for protection) HR between a 2x8 and shop table and bend the frame with a section of pipe ~ 1/8" larger ID than the OD of the frame.
I had the same issue.... Now, the HR is "just right"


I replaced mine with aftermarket headrests with built in DVD players. Kids are happy, and so am I. problem solved! :)

That wasn't cheap! ! ! I priced some of those and it shocked me for sure.

Well, to be honest the dealership put them in for me for free. They did it to compensate me for a problem I had with my Explorer when I bought it. They went above and beyond to make me happy.

The ones I got are called "RoadTrip" from a company called "Vizualogic". Here's a link:

(dead link)

Also, take a look at Ebay, I seen some decent looking ones going for anywhere around $200 to $300. I probably would have went that direction if the dealership hadn't of come through.

Thanks for all the responses, I've been off line for a while but we still need to fix this problem.

There is no fore & aft adjustment, but we have extended them almost to the max limit and that makes them just bearable. I'm looking at some after market monitor head rests from Crutchfield's as a "cheap"solution. I'm not sure when the "new" design started to show up, so I'd be guessing which model year to look at at a junk yard, or eBay.

Thanks again everybody, I'll let you know if we find a suitable solution, other than trading the darn thing in!!

