1995 - 2001 Ford Explorer 4WD Front Hub Bearing Pair with ABS Sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1995 - 2001 Ford Explorer 4WD Front Hub Bearing Pair with ABS Sensor


EF Vendor
April 1, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
92 explorer
Backed by a two year warranty, we offer the best hubs on the market.

If either of these hub bearings should fail to provide satisfactory performance you may exchange it.

You will not have a problem with our product. If you are comparing us to someone selling a brand name product remember brand names are only as good as the company selling them.

Click on the link below to view more details about this kit.

1995 - 2001 Ford Explorer 4WD Front Hub Bearing Pair with ABS Sensor

1A Auto Parts Offers FREE SHIPPING On All Orders:salute:


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Can you find me a gasket that goes between the tcase and transmission on a 94 Ford explorer? Ive looked everywhere. Thanks Tony! U da man!

the link says 177

$177 for a pair is a steal.. Just remember that 1 normally cost $150-175..

$177 with 2 yr & free shipping is an incredible deal! Wish I seen this before I replaced mine.

Tony, do you pay for return shipping of exchanged parts as well?

It depends on the situation. Like if it was a incorrect part you received and it was our fault yes we'd pay the shipping back.If it's a part that you just didn't want then for the most part the customer would.

However in any situation call our sales staff let them know you're from the board, and they'll help out with any returns.


Tony- how do these compare to the inexpensive ones on eBay? We've all had issues with those not lasting- who manufactures these? I understand the brand name thing, like, well, Callahan Brake Pads... Me and a couple of my buddies may grab a pair if they meet or exceed OEM specifications... I like warranties, but I don't want to have the hassle of reinstalling and losing my vehicle (the only one I have) for multiple days to get the warranty either... :)


Tony- how do these compare to the inexpensive ones on eBay? We've all had issues with those not lasting- who manufactures these? I understand the brand name thing, like, well, Callahan Brake Pads... Me and a couple of my buddies may grab a pair if they meet or exceed OEM specifications... I like warranties, but I don't want to have the hassle of reinstalling and losing my vehicle (the only one I have) for multiple days to get the warranty either... :)


We sell a ton of these the return rate is really low.We have a full time quality guy on board here that monitors return rates,so that any bad product to the best of our ability is replaced with one from a better source if the quality degrades.

hey tony can u give me a time frame of how long it would take for the item to get to 73521

You should see it within 5 business days.

Sorry for the slow response,if you have an urgent question shoot me a PM and it'll notify me here in the office.

Cool- thanks Tony... :thumbsup:

Received my order today.
Fast shipping ( I'm in ny )
Just wanted to say thank you.

Sorry for bumping this old thread
But for those of us who don't have $300 to buy a pair
This is the best option. I paid $127.

Thanks again.


These work for AWD right Tony?

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