1997 4.0L SOHC: PCV location? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 4.0L SOHC: PCV location?


Active Member
August 3, 2003
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VA Beach, VA (Hometown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer Sport
I know this has been discussed before in previous posts, but they still have left me struggling to find the location of the PCV valve on the 1997 4.0L SOHC.

Any pictures and helpful hints tricks would be most appreciated.

Also, my manual lists the PCV p/n as Motorcraft EV225. Can anyone confirm this is a correct part number? (I am overseas with the military, so I don't have the luxury of good auto parts stores close to the house.)

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Well, I was unable to find the PCV on my 97 Explorer Sport, so I took it to an independent shop (with print outs from the forum). They too were unable to locate it. They suggested I take it to the local Ford dealer. However, I am in the military overseas, and this dealership typical does not like to mess with foreign Fords, and the labor rate is a painful $180/hr.

hey try following some of the vac hoses to the manifold in the back, I know the PCV valve is really tough to get at on the 4L SOHCs but that pic on brooklyn's page really helps, but you gotta really look at it and your truck's engine...i just found mine like a half hour ago (took me a week...)

PCV valve help

Ok. I am new to this forum so I dont know if this post is in the correct place....sorry if its not. For the past two weeks I have been trying to locate my PCV valve in my 97 explorer 4.0 v6 (i am also new to working on my car). I think I finally found it behind the engine toward the passenger side of the car with one tube attached to the bottom and a (T) shaped tube attached to the top. I could not pull the old one out no matter what i tried. Any suggestions? Did I even find the PCV valve? It seems these things are in differnt locations even on cars of the same make and year.

Ok. I am new to this forum so I dont know if this post is in the correct place....sorry if its not. For the past two weeks I have been trying to locate my PCV valve in my 97 explorer 4.0 v6 (i am also new to working on my car). I think I finally found it behind the engine toward the passenger side of the car with one tube attached to the bottom and a (T) shaped tube attached to the top. I could not pull the old one out no matter what i tried. Any suggestions? Did I even find the PCV valve? It seems these things are in differnt locations even on cars of the same make and year.

1st... Thank you for using the search button.

2nd... Yes, you found the PCV valve.

Any suggestions on getting it out. It wont just pull out

PCV Location

I have read on the forum that some of the PCV valves have a couple of threads on them and need to be unscrewed. Don't know if yours is one or not,but can't hurt to try.

Thanks for all the help. Finally got it out and replaced it with a new one. This forum is better than any book you can buy!!!
