2016 Sport.....Any recommendations for an under the driver seat gun safe ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 Sport.....Any recommendations for an under the driver seat gun safe ?


December 8, 2015
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2016 Explorer Sport
I have found this one, but they say it does not fit the limited or sport model.

Anyone know what the difference is between the limited / sport seats and other models that would cause this problem ??

I will call the manufacturer in the morning, but they are closed at this time.

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Please let me know what they say, I have a Limited and I am kind of interested now.

I'd take the dimensions of the safe and then take a tape measure to the Explorer and see if it would slide under the seat.

But I don't know what the differences would be, I will be checking my XLT today.

Well, it won't fit under my seat.

I have a XLT with the 202A trim package, heated and power seats. There is a hump right in front of the seat that would block it from fitting, not to mention the electrical controls for the seat.

I happen to have a box that is 10" wide 12" long and 4" high and it will not even fit from the front or the back under the drivers or even the passengers seat.

Now if your Explorer doesn't have power/heated seats it might fit.

Thanks for the replies.....

Called Tuffy and they say it's because of the electrical components under the seat.

Both of us adjust the seat up to max height, so maybe I can use spacers to lift the seat to create some additional space,.

NO , I DO NOT NEED any safety warnings........ OK PETER ?

.I found that the main obstruction is the AC duct that feeds air to the underside of the seat ......AKA : cooled seats that
are part of 401A group..........BUT I have not given up.

After all, I was able to stuff a full sized 255/50/20 spare under the floor, ( a task that many said was impossible ).......

So this may be another one of those impossible plans that I will need to do some reasearch on.

I have no idea of you have ever looked at the console vault for the Explore. The big problem is what do you do with the junk that you put in the console?


Yes, I did look at the console safes, but it is already a small console, and the small locking lid makes it difficult to reach inside.
