2017 3.5L Bank 1 & 2 catalytic converter installation question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2017 3.5L Bank 1 & 2 catalytic converter installation question

April 30, 2024
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City, State
Queens NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Interceptor utility
I feel feel silly and uneducated posting another threard with a dumb question but here I am.

17 utility bought last month, came wth the exhaust system removed from where the cats connect to the end of the turbos. I bought this set of catalytic converters off of eBay, and have the smaller one installed in the front next to the oil filter and the longer larger one installed in the rear by the cv axle. The exhaust I had pulled from the same body style utility. Is hung up but the cats are not lining up with the y pipes at all and do not fit in when I swap them and try installing them the other way.

Generally just looking for some insight on if I’m doing something wrong have the wrong parts, technique ect





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According to the PIU Buying Guide, the 2017s came with 2 engine options.. 3.5L and 3.7L. Could be something to consider when picking parts.

According to the PIU Buying Guide, the 2017s came with 2 engine options.. 3.5L and 3.7L. Could be something to consider when picking parts.

According to the PIU Buying Guide, the 2017s came with 2 engine options.. 3.5L and 3.7L. Could be something to consider when picking parts.

Turns out I do have the righ
According to the PIU Buying Guide, the 2017s came with 2 engine options.. 3.5L and 3.7L. Could be something to consider when picking parts.


So turns out I do have the right parts, but I still can’t seem to get the converters to fit to the vehicle the proper way.. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong at the point.

Don't feel silly or uneducated asking questions on this forum that's what's its here for. Now you may have ordered the right parts but someone else didnt and returned the wrong set in the right box. I've had that happen to parts before. But don't force anything to align, if it doesn't fit then it doesn't fit. I'd return the parts and request a different set of what your ordered as frustrating as that can be.

Don't feel silly or uneducated asking questions on this forum that's what's its here for. Now you may have ordered the right parts but someone else didnt and returned the wrong set in the right box. I've had that happen to parts before. But don't force anything to align, if it doesn't fit then it doesn't fit. I'd return the parts and request a different set of what your ordered as frustrating as that can be.

I’m going to give that a shot. I just hope the set I re order doesn’t put me in the same situation

If it does then order the other set and see if that works. If your part supplier is willing to eat shipping costs and issue full refunds I say go for it.
