5.0 Exhaust Manifold Bolt Size and Alternatives? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Exhaust Manifold Bolt Size and Alternatives?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLT 5.0 AWD
Hi guys,

I just mentioned in another thread that I'm having the engine removed in order to do the oil pan gasket, rear main seal, and oil pump.

When I had the exhaust manifold replaced a year ago by a cheap shop, they ended up breaking a bolt and leaving it like that for me to find. I'd like to get that taken care of now if I can. I was reading through some of the threads regarding these bolts and most people say to get them from the dealership. The problem is I'm having the truck picked up tomorrow for the job and the dealership said they might not have it in time.

Does anyone know the exact bolts I need and if there is anywhere else I can find them?


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Hey, thanks granadojl, but that says Intake Manifold Bolts..?? Same Size?

Oh dude, I'm sooo sorry. I misread your post.

You can get exhaust manifold bolts like these


I also know that Autozone sells the Spectre name brand versions on two lengths depending on the thickness of your header flange.

Key thing is the bolt size and thread pitch.. Exhaust flange is 3/8-16

Did they break a bolt where the manifold bolts to the engine? Or one of the bolts that attaches the rest of the exhaust?

They broke a bolt where the manifold bolts to the engine. The engine is currently being pulled.
