92 EB front end noise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 EB front end noise


New Member
March 27, 2003
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Vienna, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Eddie Bauer
I've got a '92 Eddie Bauer with about 89K miles on it. I was having lots of front end noise so I had it checked out. I've replaced the front inner and outer bearings which were definitely worn, and that took care of part of the problem. I was getting grinding/popping/clunking noises that seemed to be a 4WD problem. The mechanic looked at the autolock hubs and found them quite worn (I rarely use 4WD.....). They were replaced and some of the noises went away. I still have a problem with the front wheels wanting to engage when I don't have the 4WD drive button pushed. Usually I back out the driveway which should disengage the front wheels if they were engaged, and then start driving down the street. I get this grinding noise from under the car that goes away immediately if I push the 4WD button. Sometimes it will go away if I slow down and turn sharply (big clunk precedes grinding noise stopping). The oil in the transfer case was just changed, and it seems to have made matters worse.
Any ideas on what I could look at next. I can't afford to just keep replacing drive train parts hoping we stumble upon the right part. I've been taking it to an independent shop that has been reliable in the past. Thanks for your help!:redexp:

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sounds like your autohubs are gone
go manual, i never use my 4x4 but i had manuals put on for about 190 and it solved the problem i was having that is very similar to yours

I had the some prob with my 92. I was off road one day and the hub's broke


I had the auto-hubs replaced a week and a half ago. I heard less clunking and stuff, but they still wanted to engage themselves when driving. I took it back and the shop changed out the oil in the transfer case. They said the old stuff was dirty, but not otherwise too messed up. Now the autohubs always try to lock when I move forward after backing up. Every time. If I don't hit the switch the grinding noise continues.
I may open up the hubs this weekend to see if they put too much grease in them. Another thread said that might be a cause of this. The shop said they didn't.
I think my wife will kill me if I try replacing the autohubs with manual after spending $800 to have them replaced.

are you sure the mechanic replaced the old hubs with new ones? You should have gone manual.

my mistake,
what about the u-joints, they tend to get stuck when they get really rusted

I did have a U joint replaced when the front bearings were replaced. I was getting vibration and noise from it. Do you know if there is another one up front?

i'm not good with drivetrain stuffs but i believe there is 1 u joint on each wheel. maybe some 4x4 guru can correct me i'm just a wanna be street guy :)
