93 Explorer 4WD, 4.0L with A/C. Belts keep shredding up! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 Explorer 4WD, 4.0L with A/C. Belts keep shredding up!


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February 1, 2010
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93 Explorer 4.0 with a/c
:rolleyes:I'm hoping someone can please help!

My 93 explorer (4wd, 4.0 with a/c) has recently been shredding belts!
I assumed it was the a/c clutch assemb., so I purchased another belt, bypassing the a/c.

No help. It is still making strange noises (somewhat of a squeal, but more of a grinding-almost gurgling & is pretty loud. Its very difficult to pin-point where the noise is coming from). I was told to replace the belt tension pulley.

However, there doesn't seem to be a pulley - its an automatic tension. (its located on the top & tension is released by using a socket/ratchet..). I'm really confused! Do I actually need the tension assembly?????

****I forgot to mention that the belt keeps slipping off of the crank shaft pulley (lowest pulley on bottom)...if that makes a difference.

PLease! can someone help!? I don't have the money to replace all of the pulleys! Is there a definite way to tell what the problem is?

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Welcome to this forum! I've moved your thread into the stock 91-94 section. One pulley might have a nick with a sharp edge. Another possibility is that the automatic tensioner is faulty, and it binds causing the belt to skid, and shred. Does the damage on the belt appear to be in one area or is like a continuous rip only on one side? A picture of the belt or belts that broke would help.

remove belt & check

I suggest that you remove the serpentine belt and check each thing that normally contacts the belt. Spin it and wiggle it. Listen for squeals and rock to find slop. Pay particular attention to the harmonic damper. Sometimes the outside comes loose from the inside causing the serpentine belt to be out of line. See my thread Harmonic balancer failure

do any of your pulleys have rust on them? Mine has been sitting for 10 years and it's got alot of rust on them. Might be a possibility the rust can be weakening the belts?

I think you have a bearing going out or seized up. Either the idler pulley, or the tensioner pulley are the most common culprits. Remove the belt and spin the idler pulley (does not drive any accessory) and the tensioner pulley by hand. They should spin smoothly and quietly with minimal resistance. If they are rough at all or make noise, the bearing is going bad. Replacements are $5-10 usually. The tensioner pulley can be bought separate from the tensioner assembly in some cases.

Welcome to this forum! I've moved your thread into the stock 91-94 section. One pulley might have a nick with a sharp edge. Another possibility is that the automatic tensioner is faulty, and it binds causing the belt to skid, and shred. Does the damage on the belt appear to be in one area or is like a continuous rip only on one side? A picture of the belt or belts that broke would help.

Hi - thanks for getting back to me.

I did notice there are a couple of small nicks on the a/c pulley (that is one reason I by-passed it & did the belt for no a/c)...also, there seems to be some almost burned-on rubber pieces on the power steering pulley (which spins, but seems a bit tighter than the others).

..the belt (shorter one bypassing a/c) shreds off width-wise (ie rather than being 1" wide, its now 1/2").
I updated my post because I can't believe I forgot to mention that the belt slips off from the bottom pulley (crank shaft?).
As my daughter puts it - it sounds like the engine is "grinding rocks"...rather than a typical squeal.
Thanks so much for your help & time! I can post a pic tomorrow.

I suggest that you remove the serpentine belt and check each thing that normally contacts the belt. Spin it and wiggle it. Listen for squeals and rock to find slop. Pay particular attention to the harmonic damper. Sometimes the outside comes loose from the inside causing the serpentine belt to be out of line. See my thread Harmonic balancer failure

Thanks for getting back to me....after I looked at your post, I realized that this is where my belt is slipping off (I assumed it was a crank shaft pulley)....Is this part supposed to move easily? Mine doesn't (not at all, really)....Do I need this, do you think?

Fixed to crankshaft

The harmonic balancer/damper is bolted to the crankshaft and should not rotate or move forward or aft relative to the crankshaft. However, there is an inner and outer cylindrical section with rubber like material between that dampens the shock from the cylinders firing to things connected to the balancer. With age the rubber like material deteriorates and the outer section moves (usually aft) relative to the inner section. The misalignment causes the serpentine belt to rub and frequently jump off.

If you can't rotate yours that's a good thing! Just make sure the inner and outer sections are aligned. Compare the photo of the bad one (on the engine) and the good one (by itself).

Obviously with the AC out of the loop, it's not that.
Someone mentioned the Idler Pulley...There are two. one on the tensioner and one down lower. Take the belt off and see how wobbly that lower one is. Make sure to take the belt off because the belt will hold it tight making it hard to see and hear a bad bearing

There is only one idler pulley and it is on the top. The other "idler" pulley is the belt tensioner. I think that is your problem. It may need to be replaced. If the tensioner fails to keep pressure on the belt the belt could slide partially off and be cut by the outside rim of one of the pulleys.

thought i'd mention the water pump pulley (just woke up so i'm a lil foggy headed) seen we're you mentioned "gurgling". the rocks crunching sound is prob. the ball bearings being the 'rocks' lol hope this helps..
