95 or 130 amp? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95 or 130 amp?



I have a 93 sport.How can I tell if I have the 95 or 130 amp alternator?Was the 130 amp an option on the 93's?

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From what I have heard and seen, the 130 was only in the '93-'94 Limited's

Darrman is correct. Unless you have a Limited, you have the 95 amp one. Actually, you could be like me--replace the 95 amp with a Limited (130 amp) alternator. It fits. The voltage regulator side is a little larger but it will fit, it's just tight.


So you just put in the 130 AMP unit............no other mods to wires or anything??

Reason I ask is:

I currently have the factory stock one............don't "really" need the extra AMPs...............but, IF I ever have to change it............it would be a "nice option"..........if it didn't require more up grades.

Aloha, Mark

Does anyone here know how to tell the difference between the two? I couldn't make sense of the markings on mine. I have a '93 Ltd., and was trying to determine if I have the 130 amp, or if it has been swapped for the weaker unit...

I guess since you got it out already........you could take it down to the auto parts store...........and ask them to bench test (free).............will also give you "peace of mind." They may be able to tell you your answer just by looking at the size or part/ser#..............don't know if the bench test will tell you AMPs.


ma96782 said:

So you just put in the 130 AMP unit............no other mods to wires or anything??

Reason I ask is:

I currently have the factory stock one............don't "really" need the extra AMPs...............but, IF I ever have to change it............it would be a "nice option"..........if it didn't require more up grades.

Aloha, Mark

No beefier wiring is needed. It works fine as a direct swap. Part of the casing is slightly larger--but it will fit, just a bit tight. All the bolt holes match perfectly.

I did it for the same reason...right now, I don't have anything that pushes the stock ampage alt (just some fogs), but I might in the future...I may put on a spotlight, or a winch, or onboard air, or who knows?

toystory_4wd said:
Does anyone here know how to tell the difference between the two? I couldn't make sense of the markings on mine. I have a '93 Ltd., and was trying to determine if I have the 130 amp, or if it has been swapped for the weaker unit...

I could tell by looking, if they were side-by-side. :) The 95 amp one's case is slightly smaller, and it is slightly lighter in weight than the 130. As far as serial numbers, there might be a way to tell that way, but I don't know.

The voltage regulators are the same, I just learned that the other day...interchangeable between the 95 and 130.

I'd go to a Ford dealer, ask them what their part# is for the 130 amp/Limited alternator, and compare it to the part# that is stamped or stickered on your existing alt.

Thanks Rhett.

Aloha, Mark
