96 Eddie Bauer AWD making clicking / knocking sounds | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 Eddie Bauer AWD making clicking / knocking sounds


New Member
June 6, 2005
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City, State
Raleigh, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 EB
My 96 Eddie Bauer V8 makes clicking / knocking noises when driving (most prominitely when turning left, but also frequently when going straight ahead). The noise follows the speed of the wheels (i.e. slowing down and the sound slows, go faster and it goes faster.)

I replaced the CV axles on both driver and passenger front sides and the noise is still there. Hubs seems to be spinning freely when I took them off.

Any suggestions on what to do next?

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No, I havent checked it. Is there a way I could tell if it was the culprit?

Thanks for the reply.

Could anyone point me at a guide on replacing the front driveshaft of a 96 V8 AWD? I've searched on the forum and the web and wasn't able to find any ones with some pictures of the procedure.

Also, any good places to look if I need a replacement (Autozone, Advance, etc)?


NAPA has them. They are around $225

Driveshaft removal is easy- remove skid plate if equipped, remove the bolts that are on the CV end of the driveshaft. They take an 8mm wrench. Then remove the caps that attach the driveshaft to the front diff- they take a T27 torx bit. Simple and easy.

I did the front drive shaft on my 93 bronco....took me 15-20mins. Just a couple bolts....just make sure you chock the wheels, or put e-brake on...I found out the hard way :D

I just went through this on my daughter's 91. I checked everything you can think of with regards to drivetrain, relaced hubs, checked U-joints. I looked at the brakes and they looked fine(lots of pad left). I decided to disassemble the brakes and found the clip that attaches the pad to the caliper cylinder was missing allowing the pad to bounce around when the brakes weren't being used. Does your noise go away when you lightly touch the brakes? If so, take a look.

So would turning the wheel do anything to the front drive shaft (make it "click more" or move it). Because the noise definitely increases, or goes away depending on which way the wheel is turned during a turn?

99 EB ford explorer 4.0.

i am having the same issue with my 99 and i took it in and was told the transfer case was the problem so i replaced it, no knocking sound for a few days but now its back. also looked at the bearings and they seem to be turning smoothly so any ideas would be great.
