A/C with a mind of it's own | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A/C with a mind of it's own


Well-Known Member
April 15, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Milwaukee, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer XLT SOHC
My A/C compressor seems to have developed a "on and off" mode lately.
When the truck is warm the A/C compressor keeps kicking on and off every 2 or 3 seconds.
I've added approximately 10 oz. to 12 oz. of R-134a and it still does the same thing.
Any thoughts?
Sensor, switch?

Where should I look next?


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Yeah, roll down your windows and let the breeze cool you down! LOL, j/k :D

I would check the low pressure/cycling switch. Mine did the same thing. About $10.00.

Good idea!

If it's the low pressure/cycling switch can I replace it without evacuating the A/C system?

That would be GREAT!
Just in time for vacation, with three kids things tend to heat up.

How does it work? plus, how did you know that was the problem?


something to try

disconnect the battery cable for a minute or so then reconnect and try. I say this because the computer controls compressor cycling. Make the computer forget what it learned and see if you still have the problem.

I think that the main reason for compressor cycling rapidly is usually low system pressure. The low pressure switch causes the compressor to shut off if pressure is too low. I'm not an expert though.


My 91 stareted doing the same thing around 140,000 or so. Slowly started kicking in and out more regularly, eventually it wouldn't kick in at all, I charged it but that only lasted about a day, I am guessing I have a leak somwhere in the system and my compressor is toast I know becuase it shows signs of leakage at the seams.

Anyway I have lived without it now, sucks but I can live with it.

On a side note, anyone know if their is a belt that I could put on my X that would bypass the compressor incase the bearing ever goes in the A/C Pully since Im not using the a/c anymore

Hope its a simple fix for ya man.


91 4x4 4Door,

I thought of the same thing with a belt that would bypass the a/c compressor.
I would try a couple cans of r-12 with stop leak.
It stops small leaks and works prettt well. You can get the whole recharging set up for under $40.

How are things in Blain? That's my home town.

Thanks for the tips,



Well I don't know where you could buy R-12 anymore, isn't it illegal now? I have a recharge kit and everything, and the compressor is shot anyway Im pretty sure so Ill just live without it.

If anyone has info on a bypass belt let us know.

Things are good here in blaine, just wish they would get cable internet or DSL out here soon :)

