Aftermarket audio idea- anyone tried this? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aftermarket audio idea- anyone tried this?


April 19, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer XLT/202A
Have any of you tried of heard of someone successfully installing only speaker and amp upgrades to a 5th gen Explorer? Keeping the factory head unit with all it's functionality in place?
I've got a 2014 XLT/202A and am trying to figure out how to get the most bang for the buck in terms of a sound upgrade. Also thinking that since the 3rd row is going to stay flat pretty much for as long as I own the vehicle I might just remove those seats altogether. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I just up-graded my audio 2016 Sport keeping the factory radio (Sony Premium).

Quick run down: I replaced the rear door speakers (powered from the radio)
Replaced the front component speakers (powered with a new amp)
Added two 13" JL Audio thin subs in a fiberglass box in the spare tire well.

I used a Bit 1 to interface the new amp to the factory speaker out-puts (after the stock amp). Even using the factory speaker locations the imaging is very good and sounds fantastic!

In the next few days I will post a complete run down on the system with some pictures (just remember I am OLD and shake a lot so they may not be that clear)


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Very nice!
I'm not going to do this myself so I've been out getting some estimates.
Right now I'm looking at these purchases:
- adapter for output of head unit to RCA's for amp inputs
- one amp for a subwoofer
- subwoofer
- 4x door components
I already have a good 4 ch. amp for everything else. I could lessen the footprint and get one 5 ch amp so I'll look into that too.

Got the new stuff installed yesterday. My old Directed 4ch amp runs all the doors and I added custom box for a 12" sub, down firing/ported, and mono amp. The sub is where the 3rd row seats folded down- seats are now in storage (as planned).
It's a big improvement but well short of my old car, which had an aftermarket head unit with lots of EQ and timing adjustments. I may have to ditch the factory head unit- if I do is there any way to keep all the functionality of the stock unit? Ability to do those health reports, steering wheel controls, etc.?

The interface that I think is the best for keeping the steering wheel controls is the iDatalink Maestro, if your new head unit supports it. I'm using the Ford Sync with my touch and the Bit 1 and I think it sounds better than 99% of the after market head units.

Here is a link to my install, it might give you some ideas:

You can go on their web-page select the head unit & car and it will tell you what functions it controls.

Thanks for the info- going to take a look now.
Very very interesting! I'm going to take some time to get used to the current system, adjust things as best I can and then decide if I need to ditch the factory head unit. Knowing I can retain all that functiionality... priceless. Thanks!

Drove around for a couple hours today pulling over every few minutes to adjust things. It sounds pretty darn good now and I'm sure this would make all but the most demanding audiophiles happy. Personally, I'd love to have an EQ but if that means dropping another thousand bucks or more even, I'll be just fine as is :)
