Air in cooling system? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Air in cooling system?

Rodeo Joe

Elite Bostonian
August 29, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Frankin, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT
I flushed the system today and figured while I was at I'd change the hoses and t-stat. The coolant isn't circulating now, so I'm not sure if I have air trapped somewhere or a bad t-stat. I did a search on bleeding air from the system and tried parking it on a hill and see if the air would work it's way out, no luck. Any suggestions? I'm hoping it's not the t-stat, I'd hate to tear it apart again to change it.


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Just a thought. did you run it long enough fot the thermostat to open and allow recirculation?

It's tuff to get the air out sometimes, was there a vent in the T-stat? If so make sure it's in the 12 o'clock position. If not, drill a LITTLE hole in it. Also make sure you installed it correctly. Laugh but it happens. I'm not going to mention any names (rhymes with Cartman) knows all about it.

I ran this thing for about an hour. The new t-stat has a vent hole in it. When I pulled the housing off, the original had the vent hole in the 2 o'clock position so I installed the new one the same way. Tomorrow I'll drain some off the coolant out and move it to the 12 o'clock and see what happens.


Well, I pulled the new t-stat out and boiled it to see if it would open and it did. Spoke to my cousin and he explained to me about filling through a heater hose, did that and still not pressurizing. Bottom hose is stone cold. I really think I have a major air bubble somewhere. :(

