Almost time for new tires... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Almost time for new tires...


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2002
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Ashland, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT 4x4, 4.0L!
On my 2003 XLT.

The problem is I'm torn on stay stock or to go a little bigger.

With the 265/70/R17's i'm worried they will rub at full-lock or when articulating when off the pavement. It seems like a lot of people on here with this size tire never see's off pavement! I've read mixed enlighten me.

Second question is that there seems to be no way to effectively and cheaply reprogram your PCM for the right tire size, how is anyone getting around this issue?

I would love the extra ground clearance provided by larger tires but I don't want any rubbing! :thumbdwn:

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On my 2003 XLT.

The problem is I'm torn on stay stock or to go a little bigger.

With the 265/75/R16 or 265/70/R17's i'm worried they will rub at full-lock or when articulating when off the pavement. It seems like a lot of people on here with this size tire never see's off pavement! I've read mixed enlighten me.

Second question is that there seems to be no way to effectively and cheaply reprogram your PCM for the right tire size, how is anyone getting around this issue?

I would love the extra ground clearance provided by larger tires but I don't want any rubbing! :thumbdwn:

In my opinion... 265/75/16 of an aggressive tread tire is too big for an Explorer without a lift. I tried BFG MT's with no lift at that size and they rubbed way too much at the front. You may have more luck with less aggressive tread patterns, that seems to be the consensus around here.

One guy got a 255/70/17 and reported no rubbing.

I've had mine offroad with the 265/75/16s and had very slight rubbinh, but one well placed cable tie on each side means there is now no rubbing.

I was considering a 255/70/17 as a decent compromise between the sizes... however they don't make my favorite tire in that size.

Have any suggestions in that size comparable to the BFG All-Terrain T/A KO's?

Or do you think I would be ok with the 265/70/17 BFG All-Terrain T/A KO's?

i would agree with the statements above about 255/?/? tires

your still getting a 31'' tire ( i believe ) and theres no rubbing at full lock...

its a good compromise in my opinion - you loose only .5'' height or less and your still getting a 31'' tire, also without having to worry about rubbing...

i will be getting 255 instead of 265 for that reason...


Actually I believe I may have found the perfect answer!

245/75/R17's BFG AT T/A KO's.

Let me know if you all think will work alright, they are just a tad shorter then the 265/70/R17's, but as wide as the stock 245/65/R17's. I guess my big question is does the rubbing occur due to width or height of the tire?

Here's the metric to standard conversions:

29.5x9.6/17 245/65/R17 (Stock)

31.5x9.6/17 = 245/75/R17

31.6x10.4/17 = 267/70/R17

Actually I believe I may have found the perfect answer!

245/75/R17's BFG AT T/A KO's.

Let me know if you all think will work alright, they are just a tad shorter then the 265/70/R17's, but as wide as the stock 245/65/R17's. I guess my big question is does the rubbing occur due to width or height of the tire?

Here's the metric to standard conversions:

29.5x9.6/17 245/65/R17 (Stock)

31.5x9.6/17 = 245/75/R17

31.6x10.4/17 = 267/70/R17

It's both height and width. You may be better to go for a 255/70/17 (31") or 245/70/17 to get it down around the 30.5" mark.

But seriously, even with a 265/70/17, the rubbing is only minor, and it only rubs on the plastic inner wheel well cover - something that CAN be fixed with a cable tie by pulling the plastic back a bit.

Why not get a lift if you are worried about rubbing while offroading?

Why not get a lift if you are worried about rubbing while offroading?

Because my factory lift isn't about bald.

