Anti-lock BRAKES | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anti-lock BRAKES


New Member
December 4, 2016
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Bolivar, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer sport 4x4
The anti-lock brake motor comes on & pedal goes down when your almost completely stopped. No fluid leaks,no light or codes.Is a sensor causing this? Thanks in advance.

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The anti-lock brake motor comes on & pedal goes down when your almost completely stopped. No fluid leaks,no light or codes.Is a sensor causing this? Thanks in advance.

Is your speedometer working properly? It might be a bad VSS which is located in the rear diff, or it might be a dirty front wheel ABS sensor. If either is reporting erroneous information it will trigger the ABS pump.

Is your speedometer working properly? It might be a bad VSS which is located in the rear diff, or it might be a dirty front wheel ABS sensor. If either is reporting erroneous information it will trigger the ABS pump.
Speedometer works properly, If I remove front sensors can you use electric contact cleaner? Thanks.

Speedometer works properly, If I remove front sensors can you use electric contact cleaner? Thanks.

You can use brake cleaner on them. The tips are not an electronic piece (I think they work by "hall effect") and they tend to get really dirty. I had mine out recently and couldn't believe they were still working, considering how much crud was on them.

You can use brake cleaner on them. The tips are not an electronic piece (I think they work by "hall effect:) and they tend to get really dirty. I had mine out recently and couldn't believe they were still working, considering how much crud was on them.
Thanks I'll check them this week.

It could be the tone ring on one of the front axle shafts is damaged, which is what the sensors read. Check out this video:
