Anyone have any clue what radio this is? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone have any clue what radio this is?


Well-Known Member
July 28, 2011
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2002 Heavily Modified ST
This is the factory radio installed in my 02 Sport Trac. I have the sub and amps (factory) and even a FORD instruction booklet explaining my system.

But I cant find the radio in my works interchange search, and I cant find a single thing matching this part number on google or ebay to sell it.

Does ANYONE have any ideas? Im trying to list it for sale, but have no clue what to put.







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any idea what years and models it fits? Is it ONLY 2002 Sport Trac and Ranger?

This will fit any 95 to 2001 ford Explorer with power wire change on some. It will not fit a Regular Ford Explorer XLT & up I am not sure how far into the Sport Trac 2000's it will fit.

Hmmm. Thanks. Wait? This radio will fit a 95???

It will not fit a '95, that isn't correct info. The connectors are completely different.

Pre '98 used a M100/P100 system, and the '98+ used a T100 setup. Some are sprinkled in between also.

If you're going to list it on eBay, just put up the part number on the side, and pictures of the connectors, what it came out of- because you'll have a nightmare between trying to compile the list of possible vehicles it will fit along with answering questions.

I don't dispute what you say but I am running a 2000 Ford Explorer radio system in my 95 Ford Explorer the power pin may have been changed I am running a radio in my F-450 that came from one of my Explorers between 98 and 2005. So I guess it goes with out saying stupid is as stupid dose!

Thanks guys. Ill list it later today.
