Are there any 5R55W gurus? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Are there any 5R55W gurus?


Active Member
October 29, 2007
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City, State
New Braunfels, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer
I have a 2002 Explorer 4.0 AWD with the 5r55 trans. About 60K ago it was rebuilt by a local shop that I paid WAY too much to do. They had it in there 3 times before it was finally "right". Recently it has started acting up. After sitting over night it won't move in reverse. If you give it gas it MAY move slowly backwards but it feels like its slipping (so i dont do that). If you move it to N and let it idle for 30 seconds then back to R everything is OK. Almost like its loosing its "prime" and needs to pump back up. Once warmed up it goes through the day just fine. I also have been noticing some converter shudder on lock up sometimes. Fluid and filter change made no difference. Any suggestions? Should I start saving up for rebuild? If it needs gone through again I may try to do it myself. Any help is appreciated.

Edit: Is this trans a 5r55W and not an "e"?

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No lights. Solenoid block was replaced at time of rebuild. When cold , as soon as you pull into reverse you can feel a "bump" like it went into gear but there is no drive power. Move selector to N and let idle for 20-30 seconds, return to R and trans works fine. Converter shudder going into OD is intermitant.

Thanks for fixing title and for your reply!!!!

Bolt torque I can check.
How do I get pressures? I have AutoEnginuity on a lap top. Does the computer monitor the pressure or do I need a hose and a mechanical gauge? Write -up anywhere?

Will do.
I'll post back my findings. I should be able to take a look at it this weekend.
Thanks for the help thus far.

also interested. mine has a similar issue. when cold and i put it in drive or reverse i have to give it quite a bit of gas and it is slipping but once it warms up its better only when at a stop and i put it in reverse or drive it dosen't move and i have to give it gas for it to engage into gear and once engaged it is ok. getting a p0775 solenoid block code and i have 1-2 shift harshness and no 5th but i don't think the starting issue is related to the solenoid block issue i'm having.... let us know what you find with the pressure test

I'm contemplating running two pressure gauges at once so that I get an idea of what BOTH ports are seeing during the fault. After reading through the overhaul manual, I can see where the pressure blow-off valve could allow a loss of pump "prime" if it didn't seat completely. Of course, this is all conjecture until I get some pressure readings. I PROMISE, I will post back with my findings and keep this updated until it is corrected.

I would think that if the blow off valve in the pump was the problem then it would have been there after rebuild. Although its possible the valve is sticking they recommend replacing when rebuilding. When I tore mine down mine was kinda tough to plunge but did loosen up after I cleaned it and I reused it hope it does not come back to haunt me. Another thing I am thinking Is the reverse servo maybe you leakage past the oring in the servo housing and it is not letting the reverse band apply properly then once it has enough pressure then its applying. You can get to the reverse servo assembly without having to pull trans.

You have to take out the transmission and Torque converter and then you can remove the bolts up front that holds the pump.

Manual page

here are some shots of the front pump page and whats applied when.


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