bags or shocks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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bags or shocks

June 19, 2003
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City, State
Tallahassee Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 mountaineer
I was just wondering if I am planning to run bags hopefully soon, will I have to remove the shocks or will I still use them,because I need new shocks and I did'nt want to waste $280 on shocks.

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Yes you will need shocks if you want good ride quality, but you can't use the stock shocks.

are you having a shop bag it or are you going to bag it yourself? the shocks need to be picked out at the time of the bag install so that the right length can be ordered.

Is there a Bag kit for our trucks ??? I think Air ride makes one, but Im unsure .. can anyone confirm or deny this. Thxs!

I would maybe like to get air bags for the rear to lift the rear up once I lower it 2". I think expo5.0 did that. With the snow around here, it would help getting out of the driveway on those rare occasions.

Does anyone know of a kit for that that just bolts on and has an onboard compressor?

there are no kits. the Airride system is mainly an add-on for towing. it is bolt on, and it is air bags, but its not considered "bagged". it is simply a bag that goes on over the rear leaves to level the ride and provide a firmer rate for towing/hauling/etc.

I am having a shop weld the brackets in and the c-notch, me and the owner of a local truck accessory store are running the hoses and wireing. I am planning to tuck 20"s at least a little.

What kind of shocks should I use??
