Battery Cable Crud | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Battery Cable Crud


October 21, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
For the last couple of months, I have been fighting a losing battle with corrosion on the negative battery terminal and cable on my 4.6 '02 XLT. I have cleaned them to what looks like 'near new' condition, but, the corrosion keeps coming back. Used corrosion inhibiting dialectic grease and the green crud still formed. Checked the battery (original), and, since it was not putting out to specs, I replaced it. Still, the crud came back. Finally gave up and replaced the cable. Anyone know what causes this condition and/or how to stop or keep it under control?

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I've always coated each terminal with vasoline after cleaning from that problem, and its never come back. I think az and others sell a little packet of the proper stuff for a buck each.

Try it out.

Welcome to this forum! Even though the battery is suppose to be sealed, it's not completely sealed. Hydrogen gas comes out. This interacts with the metal surface to cause this kind of build up. What brand batteries do you use? Are the terminals lead or another kind of metal?

Brooklynbay, thanks for the greeting. To answer your question, the battery I just replaced was the OEM battery, with the top posts. The Interstate battery I installed has the same top posts of lead. The battery cable replacement has a polished connector on it with a bolt and nut to secure it to the post. However, it hasn't been on long enough to tell whether it is going to 'crud up' or not. Maybe the problem was the out-gassing of the old battery as it was dying. In the last 30 years, I have had probably 20 or more cars and this type of corrosion has only occured once before. Too long ago to remember the cause (if I ever did know).
