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Best intake for me?


Well-Known Member
March 24, 2007
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City, State
Maple Valley, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Mounty 4.0 SOHC 4x4
so im planning on getting a cold air intake system, i've read the threads and still have some questions.

i go trail riding and muddin every now and then and when i do my engine bay gets soaked, so i figure my best bet would be to get an intake that's enclosed like the the Volant kit instead of one thats just hangin out in the open like the k&n would i be correct?

i wanted the k&n but from the looks of it, it's not the best, you have to drill holes and stuff. am i correct?

which filter is the best? can i still run a k&n filter in the volant box if i go that route?

how does the volant sound and how about the power gains? i already have a flowmaster 50 suv with 2.5 in. pipes.

i guess im really thinkin about getting the volant. it's kinda spendy huh. anybody know where i can get it for the best price? i checked ebay and they dont have it for my 98 4.0 sohc.

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I've looked and looked and looked and looked at intakes and there isn't much price variance from place to place, maybe 2 or 3 bucks...10 at the most. Amsoil filters are supposed to be the best and you can use on in the volant intake. Personally I can't tell ya power gains because...I built my own intake and I never feel much gains, and I probably did a crap job building my intake and hurt performance more then anything. MPG is up so I doubt it though but maybe...

yeah, mpg gains are always welcome. any other input?

I don't know that you would need an enclosed intake, I don't think everyone on here that goes wheelin has one.....and I think the amsoil filter might be water resistant, I beleive K&N is pretty much water proof....water will go through if your pouring buckets on it. You might be able to just do a MAC which is the other popular one and a K&N. Thing with K&N's are they dirty MAF sensors with the oil.

I have a K&N. After this freak rainstorm one road was flooded. Girl in a taurus got hydrolocked. Alarm siren zip tied to the bottom of my brake master cylinder got water in it but the intake was fine......

well i just ordered the volant, i'm sure it'll work out fine

If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for it and where'd you get it?

well i ordered it from for 267.00 shipped but i got an email from them today saying they were out of stock and it was a mistake so it was refunded so im getting one off ebay and i offered the guy 267.00 for it and he's asking 277.00 so we'll see what happens
