Best Price For Gibson Catback | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best Price For Gibson Catback


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Finleyville, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT 4Dr.
Ok heres the deal I've searched for 4 hours on where the best price is to get a Gibson cat back on a 99 SOHC. If anyone can help me out its greatly appreciated as my muffler took a **** on me and is a must replace ASAP. I have heard gibsons not extremly loud and gives best performance in low to midrange instead of WOT. Hopefully somebody out there has got one for less then about 320.00 cause thats what I'm comming up with. Thanks in advance

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i got mine for like 230 bucks new in the box check ebay and such

What Gibson part number are you looking at?

I think I can find Afboy143's $303 shipped for $303.95 minus 5% if you take a short survey at Performance Products.

PM me if you want a link...

What Gibson part number are you looking at?

either part 19687 thats aluminized? will it last?
or 619687 thats for stainless. I need the dual inlet single outlet, and some say it exits behind tire and others say behind rear wheel.. which is it?

huntersteve61, there is an auction on Ebay where you can make an offer on the 19687 to the seller. I would offer them some lowball offer :shifty_ey

huntersteve61, there is an auction on Ebay where you can make an offer on the 19687 to the seller. I would offer them some lowball offer :shifty_ey

how long can i expect an aluminized cat back to last me?

I am not sure on how lnog they will last. I read in the past where a car magazine put an exhaust on a Stealth or 3000GT, and they sprayed the piping and mufflers with high temp paint right before installation. They said that each coat will add one year to the exhaust life.

That same seller has a 619687 that you can make an offer on also...

aluminized i think lasts 5+ years normal wear and tear. I could be way off, but if stainless is NOT alot more i would go with that. Its a bit heavier but worth every penny.

I would opt for stainless IMO.

I have had aluminized pipe corrode from the inside out in under two years :thumbdwn:

But the replacement piping for the above junk has lasted since late 1999, and it is aluminized :confused: BUT, this particular chunk of piping get yearly wire brushing and layers of high temp paint before winter hits :rolleyes:

just spray the pipes every month with high temp black paint and itll keep rust away

I can do the Gibson aluminized for 279.00+shipping or 378.00 for stainless. I also have MAC for $249.50-j

hmm all these prices sound insane when i'm geting my exhaust done for $180 and someone else is putting it on and welding it... and aluminized pipe hmm i got that on my t-bird i've had it for 4 years and i don't see any rust, maybe its because i din't buy a cat back and went to a exhaust shop for it... or because it doesn't see rain or snow :D
