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Brake Stand Clunk


Explorer Addict
June 19, 2006
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Lincoln MKS EcoBoost
I've done a search for various clunks and I've only came up with situations where multiple clunks were heard. This isn't like a torsion bar clunk.

The X is a '98 5.0 AWD. I thought I would try a brake stand launch the other day and when I did, I heard a fairly loud clunk... not a violent clunk that shook the X or anything, but it is still annoying. It only happens during a hard launch and it only "clunks" once.

Any idea?

I'm slowly working all the kinks out of the X. None of them have been serious so far... lets keep it that way, lol.

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sounds to me like the driveshaft. Take it apart and grease the inside shaft. shud take care of it

A brakestand with an AWD truck..........what a smart thing to do.

I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to give a few things a little grease. Its one of those things that "I just haven't had time to do yet".


We can always count on your comments to be useful... I mean, useless. I'm sure the boards appreciate people like you. *shrugs*

I have to agree with Hartman. Doing a brakestand in an AWD is not a smart thing to do. Definatly a high school kid move.

I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to give a few things a little grease. Its one of those things that "I just haven't had time to do yet".


We can always count on your comments to be useful... I mean, useless. I'm sure the boards appreciate people like you. *shrugs*

Thanks, I'll be here all day.

Thanks, I'll be here all day.

...glad I have other hobbies.

Ever notice how 95% of your comments aren't welcome? You must have a hard time making friends. I wonder why...

It wasn't a brake stand as in just sitting there holding the brake and throttle for an extended period of time. I just punched the gas and let off of the brake at the same time... its not like I have a trans brake and I'm not about to neutral drop it. Simply put, that is the fastest way to accelerate in an AWD. I'm not the first, nor the last person to do it. The clunk happens when I punch the gas without the brake and it doesn't happen every single time.

It's probably your front driveshaft u-joints or couplings screaming in pain.

Funny reading this post. While I am 52 and would never even think of doing something like a ...what did you call it...a brake stand? Well, anyway, my wife and I are professional drivers. We have 2 89 Town Cars and a 98 Mountie. We call the Mountie our "sportscar". In our youth, we both drove English 2 seaters. The Mountie handles in a similar fashion to the English sports cars of the 1960's. You can feel every bump, it oversteers and there is alot of get up and go. Compared to our Town Cars, the Mountie is "compact". So we use it primarily as our around town "sportscar".
