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Broken Gearbox


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May 29, 2008
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'98 4.0L Auto
Hello to everyone,
came across the site while looking for details/info about explorer gearboxes as mine has just been diagnoised as a terminal case. I am being quoted about £2000 for a rebuild and refit or about £500 for secondhand fitted. Anyone got any experience / information or advice, it would all be appreciated.

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Just so we can all understand each other, can you please specify whether you're talking about the transmission, the transfer case, or maybe even the axles?

Transmission / Gearbox

It is the gearbox/transmission, from what I have been told. I can select and use reverse but no forward gears. Apparently there are a couple of plates that can break/disintigrate and the debris is sent through the gearbox causing it to fail. This from what i have been told then needs a complete rebuild to ensure all debris is out and nothing is blocked, which could cause further problems.

welcome aboard

It's true that clutch friction plates wear out, but keep in mind that shops always try to push for an entire rebuild instead of doing the troubleshooting first. I would suggest that you check/clean/repair or replace the valve body first. The transmission section has a sticky thread called the 5R55E valve body rebuild diary.

is it where the band locator is on the case that has broken, we see that as a common fault here in OZ. on the 5R55W/S.
If its out get it totally rebuilt, will save more pain down the road.
may well save you money in the long run.
