buzzing noise with cruise on | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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buzzing noise with cruise on


Active Member
June 5, 2010
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City, State
Quinton Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Sport Trac 4x2
I'm new here and I've had my '02 sport trac for about a month now and I started noticing that everytime the cruise control accelerates, there is a buzzing noise that seems to be coming from somewhere around the steering column. It gets louder when the cruise is put under more pressure and when going up a grade. I looked around the forums and can't find anything about this problem. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would be very thankful.

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tantrac: does your get worse when you touch the pedal slightly while in cruise mode?

fitrmech-thanks for the link. I'm going to look into that tomorrow and see if that is the problem.

600remguy- I haven't pushed on the gas pedal when cruise is on. It buzzes when I push the set button to accelerate or when it needs to accelerate to maintaine the set speed.

I printed off a copy of that bulletin and am going to have a look as well. The only time I hear mine is when I might rest my foot against the pedal ever so slightly.

I looked at those cables and they don't seem to be touching the spark plug wire. I'm going to take it for a drive today and see if i can't get a little clearer picture of where the noise is coming from. There was a recall on the cruise control in my truck and i'm not sure if the previous owner or the dealership that I bought it at fixed what was in the recall. Would the problem that the recall stated be a possible cause for the noise?

i drove it around and when i push on the gas, the cruise doesn't make any noise and the noise is definitly coming from or under the steering column. I'm going to see if the cruise control falls under the limited warranty that the truck came with and if it does, I may just take it in.

Cruise recall is for the fire hazard and won't have anything to do with the buzzzzzzzz. Your '02 should be included in the cruise recall, mine was.

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