Central Texas Xplorers / Jakee? / Ford shootout at Little River friday | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Central Texas Xplorers / Jakee? / Ford shootout at Little River friday

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Darn, I would but my truck is still in a thousand pcs.

that sucks!

Hey, when I'm done we'll meet up at some track in Texas.

TAD is 45min from the house maybe Lori and I will roll that way.

We're kind being bums, we'll see if we wander out of the house.

Although, I really should be in Spicewood working in the shop.

Jeff - :navajo:

Ill be there, my cuz and wife are in town and will be going and I talked my nieghbors into going too.

What time???

Just got home, we were there from opening (5.30pm) till about 11pm.
I got 7 test and tune runs and one in the Ford shootout (dial in ).
I lost by .006 when the other car ran closer to his dial in.
My best 3 runs of the night were all 16.0s I got a 16.09 a 16.08 and a 16.005 but I just couldnt get that 15.999999 , Arghhh.. Mph was 82 - 83mph all night.
Not great but not bad for a basically stock 4000lb 4x4 with a V6.
Next time I will run the nitrous and see what difference it makes.
Good thing is I only lost 3 out of the 8 times I ran. :)
Ill scan in my best run of the night timeslip sometime this weekend.

I think you need to see what your truck will do with a turbo. That ss would be in your rear view. ;)

What did that SS run? Either way, great job and I know that 50 shot will make a nice improvement. I'd say you will be hitting.....................15.2-4 at around.........88-90mph with the NOS? But who knows, 14's with a little weight loss would even be possible:D

What did that SS run? Either way, great job and I know that 50 shot will make a nice improvement. I'd say you will be hitting.....................15.2-4 at around.........88-90mph with the NOS? But who knows, 14's with a little weight loss would even be possible:D

13.8@100 for the SS

one of my 3 losses that night
one other was a late 80s Iroc Camaro with loud ass exhaust that ran 15.8
and a stock 5.0 Mustang that ran 15.3
there was a new small MB suv withe the Kompressor engine running high 15s/low 16s I was dying to run but couldnt get lined up against it.
I was nailing .120 to .180 lights all night so I was dusting a lot of quicker guys
because they were too slow to react when the light dropped :D
ditching the 4wd would lighten it up by about 400? lbs and put me in the
mid 15s as is but make it almost impossible to pull my 5500lb boat on the steep
ramps on Lake Travis. Sucks when you cant afford multiple vehicles,LOL..
Im gonna try and borrow some short DRs on 15" wheels next time I go plus the nitrous should get me into the 14s with the extra gearing and hp.
Considering my last 2 cars ran 11.7@118 and 12.0@112 I wont be doing
much as it would take way more money than I have to make this thing fast and reliable..
If it was a 5.0 under the hood it would be a different story ;)
