Changing trans filter and fluid on 2002 4wd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Changing trans filter and fluid on 2002 4wd


September 24, 2008
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2002 XLT
I would like to change the trans fluid and filter on my 106k mile 02 Explorer 4WD but have never done so on a vehicle with no dip stick or fill tube. What is the correct method for doing this work, and getting the correct fluid level when done? Is the stock FOMOCO fluid Ok to use or should a different fluid or additive be used for 106k miles?

Filling it.......

I would like to change the trans fluid and filter on my 106k mile 02 Explorer 4WD but have never done so on a vehicle with no dip stick or fill tube. What is the correct method for doing this work, and getting the correct fluid level when done? Is the stock FOMOCO fluid Ok to use or should a different fluid or additive be used for 106k miles?

Filling these transmissions is done, according to Ford, by pumping the new fluid upwards into a fitting which is part of the bottom of the oil pan. The fitting has a "standpipe" which protrudes upward into the pan; the level is correct when it matches the top of the standpipe.

Filling one before it is installed in the vehicle is easily done by removing one of the 3 speed sensors located along the top of the case, and pouring the fluid in through the hole. I cannot say whether these holes may be accessible with the unit installed in the vehicle. imp
