Ciao From ITALY! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ciao From ITALY!


New Member
February 21, 2006
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Pescara- ITALY.
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 Explorer Eddie Bauer
Hi to everyone!
I'm new to this Forum! I'm a haapy owner of a 06 Explorer Eddie Bauer...The car is superb but i've found on it a Really serious problem!!! The front glass, in sunny days and in night drive (cruisin another car's lights), reflects me, the passenger and everithing is in the car (really like a mirror) on it!!!!!
It's really hard seeing and driving under those conditions.... Is it NORMAL or is it a problem of my car only???

Thanks in advance and sorry for my poor english :roll:

greetings from italy!

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don’t know about the glass but all the way from Italy, I remember when I was over there I saw an X and was like "what the hell" not your normal European car, I was in Europe for two weeks and saw more Lambos and Ferraris than Explorers

Hey!, i was just in italy. You might want to check and see if there is a piece of plastic film on the inside of the window. Sometimes in long distance shipping there will be a piece of static cling plastic to protect the window, not sure if thats the case, but i know it was there on my dads Acura. It is hard to see unless you look carefully into the corners. If thats not the case...then i dont know. lol. Good luck though!

he's prob right, I would check for some kind of film on the glass. When I went to Rome, I saw two xplorers. They stick out compared to everything else. I think I even took a pic of it.(to prove a point) :D

i'll take a look..... tahnkyou! ;)

many greetings over the alpen-mountains :D
Congratulations on the new Explorer.

much fun....... :thumbsup:
