cold start squeal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cold start squeal


October 5, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
marietta, ga.
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT 2wd
Every morning, and just in the morning there is pulley squeal at start up. By the time it's out of the driveway it is gone. I think it is belt/pulley related, but don't know for a fact. How do I check, or how do I tighten the belt? 125k


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Just go ahead and replace the belt if you haven't changed it before. It's pretty cheap and is worth changing. But if you don't wanna change the belt or don't think that's the problem, then just take the belt off and turn each part on the serpentine system. You should be able to find the culprit by doing that.

excellent suggestion.... check the tensioner... the squealing sounds like a belt problem if it goes away...... mine does that from time to time too! I think I need a belt soon too... c-ya

A cheep fix for belt squeel is "belt dressing" comes in a tube. I only replace my belt when you can see chunks missing in the grooves. Besides it only cost like two bucks.

If the belt's squealing there's a good chance it's old, damaged, and time to be replaced. Belt dressing is just a mask over a problem that needs to be fixed.

Two years and running, mines fine.

Yes, well it could work fine in your case, but there is a chance that the belt actually needs to be replaced.

A friend at a local Dealer told me that you can normally expect a life expectancy of 30k to 40k miles on X serpentine belts. Anything less points to another issue (like a tensioner or bad pulley) and more than that is usually borrowed time.

Belt dressing CAN help with borrowed time, but it would be wise to carry a replacement belt and 3/8 breaker bar in the glove compartment.

Could be a bad belt...pull it and check for wear. I get the morning squeal too, been doing it for a couple years now. Even with belt changes. After a few rotations though, the squeal stops, belt squeal is common, and not just on the X either. I wouldn't sweat it, unless the noise increases and or doesn't stop after a minute or two. Like Lloyd said...I always carry an extra belt, along with rad hoses, t-stat, relays,fluids,water, and tools to name a few.. anytime I wander to far from home! Better prepared...than sorry... :D

Thanks to all. I love this site, it's good to have a few Xers sharing experience and info. I plan to switch out the belt very soon, it is original. Now if I could just get the new brake pads on my 96 Sebring to stop squeling. But that's another forum.
