Could someone pls post the correct place to cut a hole for fuel pump access | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Could someone pls post the correct place to cut a hole for fuel pump access


January 20, 2017
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2002 Explorer XLS
Bought my '02 4.0 SOHC new.This will be my 4th fuel pump. Can't afford $1100 for Proffessional replacement,and am going to do it myself. I've seen a lot of pics but the ones hosted by photobucket are all blurry.I'm going to cut a hole on the floor and need a clear pic as to there the hole should be. TIA

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Here you go. 4th gen, but worked find for my 3rd gen. I bought the Delphi pump and have had good luck.


  • Red Neck Easy Fuel Pump - No tank Drop Explorer 4th Gen.pdf
    528.1 KB · Views: 341

4th?!?!?!?!?! What brand have you been installing? China Express?

Order a Motorcraft or Bosch from RockAuto...


Here you go. 4th gen, but worked find for my 3rd gen. I bought the Delphi pump and have had good luck.

Thanks a massive bunch. I have a better tin snip than you do so am hoping it will go easy

4th?!?!?!?!?! What brand have you been installing? China Express?

Order a Motorcraft or Bosch from RockAuto...

LOL 1st was in new car,2nd was done at dealership in 06 under the extended Premium Care warranty warranty,3rd was done at local Ford dealer. ALL FORD PARTS

Here you go. 4th gen, but worked find for my 3rd gen. I bought the Delphi pump and have had good luck.
So would you say the hole should be approx 14" front to back and 12" side to side?

LOL 1st was in new car,2nd was done at dealership in 06 under the extended Premium Care warranty warranty,3rd was done at local Ford dealer. ALL FORD PARTS

Maybe it's the gas in your area? Is yours a flex? If it's not a flex, I wonder if you could install the flex version as it would handle the ethanol in the fuel better.

Try the Bosch this time...

OKAY!!! cut the hole in the correct place!! I'm going to buy a 7" C Clamp to remove the retaining ring. Does anyone know what tool I need to remove the fuel lines from the top of the pump? There are red colored clip like parts that are part of the fuel line? Do you ju8st squeeze them to release them?

fuel pump.JPG

Big Channelocks for the ring. The red clips form a "U"; you push on the sides and then up (like on the gas filter).

I did a video on this a while back, not the best quality but should give an idea. Take off the passenger seat in the rear and it is right there

Ignore that I didn't realize I was in the 3rd gen part of the forum.

OK time for the update of the completed job. I looked up the correct part number from ford parts.
Fuel Pump and Sender Assembly | FordUS
Then searched amazon and found a Ford dealer selling the exact same part,and bought it for $350.
I checked Rock Auto and they had a million fuel pumps including 2 Ford parts ( one for 270 and one for 310,but didn't match the part number. Also saw the Delphi....almost bought it but wasn't sure about the connector match.
Went to the Home Depot and the largest Channellocks they had wouldn't open far enough,but very close. So bought a 1 1/4" cut "Flat Utility Chisel" and ground the point down to where there was about a 1/16" flat nose. The chisel is about 12" long so could get a pretty flat angle on the ribs of the retaining ring.That thing was on there tight,but after some sincere whacking it started to move...took a lot of effort until it got loose (almost 1 full turn), I then was able to rotate it off the rest of the way.Didn't break any of the ribs on the retainer,but was lucky, a couple of them are weakened.Mine used the 8 pin connector,and I think the FFV fuel pump uses a 7 pin connector so they are not interchangeable.Loosening the red fuel line connectors is a major pain as the connectors don't have enough room to click down with out rotating the fuel line 90 degrees which is not easy to do as there is a 5-6 inch hard plastic end to the fuel line and barely enough flexible line to allow for that amount of movement.Bought some plastic hose and siphoned out the bottom of the fuel tank,but there was almost nothing in there,the fuel strainer on the bottom of the fuel pump was completely clean of particulates. Wiggled out the old pump and wiggled in the new one connected everything up and she fired right up. I think I'll take everyone's recommendation and never have less than a 1/4 tank of fuel in it.That was why I was having trouble with the old fuel pump( Would always work when the car was cold,but then would stop working when hot.
Thanks to all that offered help.
