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Diesel Explorer

for some reason, i cant get the link to work. i tried copying and pasting, but still cant get it. is there something else i have to do?

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Diesels have that loud annoying sound that downs out any cool engine sounds, but its also good on mileage and longevity. That's cool that its so cheap, but some places dont have diesel gas (that might suck sometimes...)

fixed it for him

Dead Link Removed

whosever pic that is, is that referring to lookout mtn. northcarolina?

maybe its just me, but i cant get that link to work.

i would find the diesel explorer funny if it was ever made. it would have the deepest growl for a smalll vehicle. i would just find it funny.

I swear, if the engine in my X ever has a major problem that the engine is not worth saving, I am going to put a diesel in it. My dad works for CAT so I have somewhat of a hookup for an engine and parts.

If anyone has done this, please let us know!

We were talking about putting a diesel in an X today and I kinda like the idea. I tried a search and this came up but I can't get the pics. Heath could you please send me the pics at dbarale@earthlink.net if they're still available?
Also if anyone knows one or heard about one, what engine did they put in?
Really interesting idea....

I don't have them up on photopoint anymore... I'll try and find them after work and send them to you... I don't have any underhood shots, the pics were taken doing about 75 down the freeway...
