Discount code for rock auto | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Discount code for rock auto


Explorer Addict
June 21, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
North East New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 4dr. XLT SOHC A4WD
I was just wondering if anyone has a current dicount code for rock auto? The one in their thread on the vendors list is expired.

Please? I'm getting ready to order some parts, so I need one asap.
Thanks in advance.

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I haven't gotten any since Nov '08. Last order was three weeks ago.



Thank you for the code. I tried it, and it works, but it only sems to be 3% discount. I know they use to be 5%. I guess they must have reduced them?

There is a discount code for rock auto?? Damn, i just spent 300 bucks there. Well, 3% of 300 is only 9 anyways, but still, that's beer money man, lol.:rolleyes:

You'll get more

There is a discount code for rock auto?? Damn, i just spent 300 bucks there. Well, 3% of 300 is only 9 anyways, but still, that's beer money man, lol.:rolleyes:

Actually, if they keep with tradition, one the several emails you get from them after your purchase will include a discount code, which used to be good for 5% off future purchases. It should also tell you that they encourage you to share it with friends,etc.... I had one but it expired.
So..... if you get one, please post it, along w/ expiration date and how much its for.

I know that Rock Auto has their own thread in the EF Vendors forum,( ) but maybe we could keep this thread alive, and have people post updated codes going forward??? Maybe a sticky if it takes off? I'm just thinking that it will be easier to find and more likely to be seen in this forum? :thumbsup:

Oh also, FYI:
Of course I'm not suggesting we give the shaft to Rock Auto or anything, seeing as they are nice enough to give us a discount on top of their already great prices, but....

If you find yourself in a jam and you really can't wait for parts to be shipped, I thought everyone might like to know that Advance Auto Parts will generally match (in store) Rock Auto prices if you print out a shopping cart from the Rock site, and of course the part#'s have to be the same. I can tell you that Autozone absolutely will NOT. I'm in pretty good w/ the manager at the local store, and he would do it for me if he could. He said he would be fired if he tried. Plus they are trying to make everything Duralast (private label) brand only as much as possible.

Another note on Autozone, if you have more than 1 within reasonable distance, check prices at both; you'd be surprised. It has something to do with whether or not a particular store has a competitor in the immediate vicinity. For some reason they don't get that their own store is competition for the other one.......
