Doing exhaust on a 98 SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Doing exhaust on a 98 SOHC


March 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Stratham, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Explorer XLT
First off, don't flame for not searching; this is not your typical exhaust threa. My buddy has a 1998 Eddie Bauer SOHC. He asked me to help him with his exhaust. He wants to replace his muffler and leave the stock tailpipe. Now, the muffler he wants to use is a single in where the SOHC has dual inputs. This leads me to needing a y-pipe of some kind to join the two sides together for a single input. Can a y-pipe be baught at the local autoparts store or would I have to make one up? My welding skills aren't too shabby so fabrication is a possibility i guess if one cannot be purchased at a decent price.

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if you make your own what are you going to do about the 2 cats and the four O2 sensor that is needed?

You misunderstood me, I meen a peice like this from afboy's explorer:


After the cats and o2 sensors and before the muffler.

I actually bought that from Performance Curve on ebay, its a Magnaflow Y pipe. Dual 2.25" inlets/ single 2.5" Outlet. The dual pipes coming into the Y pipe will actually need to be pinched together to make the Y pipe fit so you have to cut the metal peice in the middle, clamp them together, and weld it (you can see it in the pic where the Y pipe is welded to the 2 pipes)

There his is website, get the part # 10758. Its $25 + shipping on there or $30 shipped on ebay. Good luck

FYI Ive searched Pep boys, autozone, and discounts and none had a Y pipe that suited my needs. Shop wanted like $50 to make on. All I did was buy the Y pipe, buy 2.5" piping, clamps, welded up a new hanger and dumped it right before the axel. I did it all myself and with the clamps, I can easily change the muffer in the future if I so desire.

fobrnno said:
if you make your own what are you going to do about the 2 cats and the four O2 sensor that is needed?

I think your thinking about an Offroad Y pipe correct? I dont think they make those for explorers
