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Electric Fan conversion


Well-Known Member
August 9, 2012
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City, State
Newark, Oh
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Explorer ST
Has anyone changed there belt fan to electric fans. Did you notice any gains either MPG or power?

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search "electric fan"

Tried and due to dial up not able to read 200 posts maybe I am at the wrong forum if can't get a straight non look it up yourself answer.

I have not tried. I've seen them around and can't remember where exactly on here I saw them. I know this is unhelpful to you, but my fan is becoming more unbalanced and I am also interested in the answer to this question.

Check the modified 2002-2005 explorers. There are two "stickied" threads about electric fan conversions

Electric fans have been researched and posted to death on here. I personally have done this mod with a 97 ford contour dual fan set up and controlled it with a painless control. check here

That thread talks about almost all the possibilities

i had a 95 taurus SHO single fan mounted to the trac's factory fan shroud and it worked great till i took a deep puddle then it hated me. so if your an off roader and commonly find deep mud/water then i advise against it. if your a tower and hual a lot and tend to stay on road or away from water then i recommend it.

I haven't done the mod, but I searched "electric fan" to see what it would bring up and either the first or second link was a thread on installing an electric fan in a 3rd gen. So I was trying to give you something specific to search for.

i had a 95 taurus SHO single fan mounted to the trac's factory fan shroud and it worked great till i took a deep puddle then it hated me. so if your an off roader and commonly find deep mud/water then i advise against it. if your a tower and hual a lot and tend to stay on road or away from water then i recommend it.

What about normal trail mud, not necessarily a huge puddle?

Well I did a search first and after reading was more confused than before I started. I really just wondered if anyone who has done it would do it again.

yes i would do it again it really pepps up your throttle responce. since i plan to get a atv with the tax return i will revert back to electric. as for mud not sure the puddle i went through was to the bottom of the intake so 3/4 the way up the nose that fully submerged the fan and shorted it sure soupy mud the same depth would pop it too.

Has anyone calculated their MPG before and after the conversion to see what the actual difference is? What kind of numbers are you getting?

Never really tried to get good mileage and check it.. I feel that the mpg difference is minimal if any..
