Electrical Problem under the hood, any help? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Electrical Problem under the hood, any help?


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
I start This Fuel Pump well it has turned into more. I did the relay and more crap started.

Pop the hood to the explorer, did the new relay, fuel pump wouldnt start. So had the wife turn the truck on so I could see if i could hear the whine from the fuel pump. Yeah, went to go put the hood down but had to shut the top of the fuse box first, touched it, truck shut off. She restarted it, if I touch or move the fuse box, you hear a spark sound!!! Where do I start to begin with this?!?!

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You need to take a good look at the box. Unfasten it from the fender, flip it over, and examine it. If there has been arcing, you should be able to find it pretty easily.

I guess it started real bad a while back and didnt notice it, cause now to think of it, the Heater Blower Relay was burnt.
time for a new relay box

sounds like a short out. maybe your wires need to be replaced. fixed somehow.

Hope you find the root of your problems. It's really easy to get the box flipped over, to inspect. I wouldn't say you "need" a new PDB, but most likely repair a bad connection/wire. I had to do the same when my PCM wouldn't come on. Let us know what you find out.

Ok, with the new relay in, took off the battery, took off the lid to the relay box, lifted it out, flipped it, took off bottom... looked around, touched wires etc, NOTHING LOOSE, NOTHING ARCHED! so wtf!?!?!?:fire:

Ok, with the new relay in, took off the battery, took off the lid to the relay box, lifted it out, flipped it, took off bottom... looked around, touched wires etc, NOTHING LOOSE, NOTHING ARCHED! so wtf!?!?!?:fire:
the bold part tells you right there

Well even after that we had the fuse box apart, with battery in and car on, giggled all the wires, touched all the fuses, still nothing, no arching, no dieing. So put the fuse box back together again, started it all up, shook the fuse box, touched the fuses/relay, still nothing, just kept running. But did get this.
