Engine howl, IAC? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine howl, IAC?


July 24, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Greensboro, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLS
Hi Folks,
I just had the EGR and intake manifold gasket replaced, as well as fuel injectors cleaned on my 2000 4.0 OHV Explorer. After reading several posts here about faulty IACs, someone mentioned a "howl" created by the engine at idle. My car makes this sound, but not always, and thought it was an AC compessor going. I was thinking about replacing the IAC as my car has 94,000 miles and figured this may be good insurance against getting stuck somehwere. Any thoughts? Local warehouse here wants $95 for one. My question is this "howl the engine makes, is that the tell tale sign of a future faulty IAC? Didn't know if they die a slow death or what. I figured since I'm on the kick I may as well replace items that may start to go soon instead of having to tow the car in. Thanks.

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Before replacing the IAC, try cleaning it; this has worked for some.

Good luck ..........

anyone got pics or can tell me where to locate the IAC?

The IAC is a "silver bullet" looking thing on the top part, driver's side of the intake manifold. It has an electrical connection on the back of it. It's silver, hence the acronym. Pep boys has one for about $60. Hope that helps.

djstatix said:
anyone got pics or can tell me where to locate the IAC?

How is this .......


  • DSC00706.jpg
    68.8 KB · Views: 267

aldive said:
How is this .......

thats for the sohc..he said he has a OHV :p (i know bad pic..but) you can see it..its that silver deal with the black cap on it.

its on the top of the upper intake(? right) its like others have said..a silver bullit looking thing. i tryed cleaning mine..i had a rought idle an howl..but only sometimes...i cleaned it..an it got worse..so i spent the $60 an got a new one..fixed all my problems ;)

howl also described as a woooo. Dogfriend, one of my favorite posters on here (not seen much of em lately) did a VIDEO POST !! on this very thing... with sound and everything, if you have a fast connection , it is a kick. Here's a link:


That is an EXCELLENT video and EXACTLY what my truck was doing. I went ahead and replaced it just in case and glad I did. Thanks for that link. Glad I wasn't thinking it was something else.


In case anyone missed it, this site is a terrific place. It deserves your support as an Elite Explorer. Best "magazine subscription" you will ever get. Try finding the info that exists on here anywhere else. At any price.

ps. Dogfriend, show yourself more often, we miss you!

Anyone get a howl after modding their airbox? I mean cutting the entire front out of it, I get a nasty howl after its been driven then shut off, the restarted a lil later.

00XLS said:
Anyone get a howl after modding their airbox? I mean cutting the entire front out of it, I get a nasty howl after its been driven then shut off, the restarted a lil later.

yes my air box is modded also.. but it dident start to howl untill almost a year later after the air box mod. so i figured it was the IAC..an it was :)
