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explorer and mustang


Well-Known Member
October 9, 2001
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Wyckoff, NJ
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1993 EB
I was wonderin on the fuel system, what years of the 5.0 mustang will fit the 5.0 explorer.

I ask because I want an adjustable fuel pressure regulator and also I want fuel rails to go along. Any ideas.




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can anyone help, i already uesed the search function and no luck



86-95 mustan possibly...... i have a 93 5.0 but i can not tell you if it will fit on the 5.0 explorer. 86-95 were the only years of the fuel injected 5.0. I think a few models before had cfi but that is a totally different ball game.

all you need is one for an87-93 (86california). you just replace the stocker. gonna do this whenever i get the time.

for the rails, just use the stockers. the explorer rails are alot bigger than the mustangs, and you arent gonna make enough power for them to be a restriction.

What about things like throttle bodies and MAF. WIll the mustang ones work on my explorer and what year mustangs will work if they do.

I was also wonder out of curiosity with a 347 stroker for a mustang. To swap that inat an explorer does it pretty much just bolt right in because it is based of the 302 block. I mean will all the accessories from the explorer 5.0 bolt onto the 347 like a/c and power steering? Also the trans will bolt right up too right? Thanks again.



you dont need a mustang MAF, there are plenty of big aftermarket ones for explorers. the stock throttle body is a 65mm, which is plenty big enough until you get up high in the hp range. i have heard that a 88-93 mustang throttle body can be adapted with some cable modification. a 347 swap will be just the same as on a mustang. you use the 302 block.

347 swap is as easy as any other engine swap there is. If you were to take your stock 302 engine out and then stuff it back in your same vehicle it came out of is about how hard it is to stick the 347 in there. It is only a different engine on the inside of the block but for outside profile it is a 302 essentially.

Any of the fuel pumps from a fuel injected stang should work fine with little to no modification. Just make sure you dont pull a pump from a carbureted car, because those pumps arent made for psi pressure, they are made for fuel trickle. So they would be a wayyyyyy underpowered pump in an injected car. If i were you unless you got access to alot of free parts i would just go on and buy a Walbro 255 lph fuel pump for $120 and call it a day. Then get an aftermarket adjustable FPR and you are in there for your fuel delivery issues.

Thanks guys.

James - The reason I asked about the mustang stuff is because my neighbor with an 89 mustang has a ton of different Accufab MAF's and TB's that he used for different setups and said I could have whatever I wanted before he puts the stuff on ebay. I mean he has ones from 77mm all the way to 99mm so I figured I would ask what years fit and stuff so I could match something to what I am dong down the road for performance mods. Also just asking for general knowledge. So I assume most of his stuff would fit my truck.

He also has a set of Mustang underdrive pullies that he said might work. What do you guys think?



mustang pullies have been tried, and they wont work.
