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Fiberglass questions


Active Member
August 16, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT 4.0
As I am doing some designs for my body kit, and keeping mind overall lightening and performance, I have some questions on fiberglass. How fragile is it as a body part? Has anyone used it on their ex's and how has it fared? I know it is light, but I have heard it can crack easily, and I want to avoid cracking.


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Is this a desert runner? (body lift > larger tires > more air > better landings?)

Fiberglass is fiberglass. How fragile it is depends on how many layers it has, how it was laid up (the layer's weave cross patterns: 45, 90, etc..), fiber density/weight, the brand of epoxy, and quality (vacuum pressure, etc...). Also the environment plays a role in how they hold up (constant heat and cold cycles).

Having said all that, there have been plenty of users on the forum that are running fiberglass fenders (among other things) without any problems.

But if you're looking at fiberglass to drop some weight for faster acceleration, then I think there are other modifications that will give you more bang for the buck.

Have you ever worked with fiberglass before??

I have worked with fiberglass before, but never for a body piece. It is not a desert runner. It's a street runner. It is going to be lowered an inch and a half actually. I am not doing it just for the weight reduction but as andys auto sport is the only place with a body kit, I was going to make my own, and fiberglass would be the most cost effective way, I think.... Any more advice? Thanks.

there are toughening agents you can add to make it more flexible to a point.use large washers at your mounting points to help prevent matter what though,if you hit something it won't fare as well as steel.
