for all you diesel guys no heat from a 04 f240 6.0L | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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for all you diesel guys no heat from a 04 f240 6.0L


Elite Canuck STOCK SUCKS!
Elite Explorer
January 22, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
selkirk, manitoba
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 supercharged 347 sport
here's the story.

my buddy that painted evil for me is having a not so fun time with his super duty. he's had it for less then a year, its a 04 6.0L f250 lariat ext cab 4x4. he has had to replace one of the computers in it (cant remeber which one, but it controls all the gauges), fuel pump (the one on the frame) and now this. the truck has zero, nada, zilch for heat, and it is -30C up here right now. we have pulled his heater core, and it is clear (you can blow through it with no problems), blend door works, replaced the t-stat., and he has just replaced the water pump. the line going into the heater core is warm, but ice cold coming out. there is no air lock in it either. he replaced the water pump because the flow going into the heater core was very poor. after he did that, he drove down is road for about 2 miles. it was blowing nice warm air, then he said it was like someone turned a switch, and it started to blow cooler air until it was cold. he also don't think it is a head gasket because there is no bubbles in the coolant, no "snot" on the rad cap either. the gauge on the dash is at the half way point as well. any suggestions?

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Sorry I deleted my post because I forgot that valve controls the auxilary heater on the van. But still, I'd follow the coolant line going from the engine to the heater core and look for the valve.

do you know if there is one for sure? that motor is crammed in there, and finding anything is a nightmare!

No I dont sorry, but it shouldnt be too hard to find - just look for the two coolant lines going into the firewall.

EDIT - Actually according to RockAuto, its one of these below. So it looks like its not electrically actuated like on my van. Having said that, what I would do is pull off the vacuum line and make sure theres vacuum going into that valve, maybe the hose is loose or cracked or something. For fun (diagnostics), you can bypass the valve by connecting the two hoses together with a small length of PVC or copper tubing.


I added some stuff to my last post so re-read if you havent already.

still there?

did you ever figure out what the problem was? my freind has the exact same problem in the exact same vehicle and we are completely stumped, did bypassing the valve fix the problem or did he get a bunk water pump put in? please help!
