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Front end U-Joints


Active Member
September 4, 2003
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City, State
Battle Ground, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' 4dr XLT
I'm planning on replacing all the U-joints on the front end, Driveshaft, Half Shafts, and the Mid shaft* one. Any tips on doing this or is it just alot of time. I've done my rear end a few times, i dont need any tips on the actual work, just things to look for and easier ways to do them. Also on the one in the middle do i have to do all the work with it in the vehicle or is it easily removed? I doubt it is because it's c-clipped in the pumpkin. Any tips would be nice, thanks.

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The mid shaft will need to be done in place as the Passenger shaft (as you already stated) is held in place with a "C" clip. You will need to remove the calipers, bearings, rotors, ABS sensor protectors, & spindles before being able to remove the stub axles through the steering knuckles. Have you removed the spindles before? Anyway it would be a good time to determine if your ball-joints need to be replaced as well. (You will already have all the parts out of the way to do them). Do not overlook the spindle bearing at is fairly easy to replace (and cheap $6) while you have everything apart... For anyone else reading your thread and wanting more info check out the U-joint link in my sig (lots of good info and pics). I use my impact gun with the "C" u-joint tool and it only takes a few secs to press in/out each joint... The haynes manual indicates the stub axle seal is pressed on, but the timken replacements are all rubber (which makes installing them easy).

thanks for the help. I have removed the spindles before, and i've pretty much had my whole front end apart (shoulda done the joints then). So there is 3 joints on the drive shaft, and 2 on each axle shaft? I have relatively new ball joints (20-30K) and my wheel bearings are about 10K old. This sounds like fun, haha!

If you go to the parts store they will have 2 diff sizes (for the D35 vs D28).
The U-joints for a D35 axle @ the wheels will be the larger 1.188" size.

3 on the front shaft (double cardan joint)
2 @ the wheels
1 in the middle
