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Front License Plate Bracket


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Limited
Does anybody know how to mount a license plate bracket on the front bumper? I didn't have one when I bought my truck. I temporarily drilled 2 holes simply to screw in my front plate to the bumper. But, it does hang a little lower than it should. That's not a problem, but I also see other normal Explorers with the bracket and it looks nice mounted just slightly higher as set from the factory. I want to do the same.

I noticed there are factory holes in the bumper already. Do I simply buy the bracket from Ford and push it into the holes? Ford parts told me it's $22 to buy the bracket and I would need a rivet gun to mount it.

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I recently purchased my Ex and it was missing a whole bunch of stuff on the front as you can see. I also bought the license plate bracket from Ford for around $20. All I did to mount it was: Center it on the bumper and used self-tapping screws to secure it. It has been on the Ex since February and it's not going anywhere. Here's what it looks like:


Hope this helps out. :salute:

Thanks for the reponse. So I won't need to buy a rivet tool?

Nope, just a couple of self-tapping screws, available at lowes, home depot etc etc

Just a quick FYI. If you buy it at dealer they usually have pop rivet gun at parts counter and they can help you pop it into place. The rivet is one of the plastic type which dealer has also. BigRondo's method works also.

Well... I got up a little earlier this morning and went to my local Ford dealer before coming into work. I got the Ford factory bracket made for my Explorer and one of the guys simply mounted it for me with their rivet gun and metal rivets. Looks a lot better now and much more securely fastened. Took literally 1 minute and only cost me $22 + tax. I'm glad I got it done.

Thanks for everyone's feedback!

My front license plate bracket fell off after I got into a fender bender. I used the stock holes and drilled a hole in my license plate and zip tied my license plate to the bumper lol.

Man it's nice when it works out!
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