fuel filter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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fuel filter


Well-Known Member
April 30, 2003
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clovis, ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 eb 4x4
does anyone here know if it takes some special tool to take off a fuel filter on a 94 explorer?

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Yes, you will need a Ford fuel line tool, available at most auto parts stores for about $10.

edit: I noticed you posted the same question in the UTH forum, PLEASE don't double post!

I have used the KD # 3321 on my 96 XLT. Release fuel pressure first!!

for safety reasons relieve the fuel pressure before you remove it. congrats on the new title robb!!!:)

I managed to take off the fuel filter without using that special tool (I don't recommend it). For those that know how it locks in place its quite impossible but I did it. I just used a long nose plier to reshape the pins back to the original shape. So, yea, $10 for that tool is worth the money.

$10 for the tool vs. $15 for someone else

Seeing the mechanic getting soaked in 87 octane: Priceless :D

thanx for the help we changed the filter successfully. sorry for the double post

Where is the fuel filter located?? I cant seem to find it.

Under the drivers side door, along (or inside?) the frame
