Fuse keeps blowing for gearbox | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuse keeps blowing for gearbox


January 22, 2016
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1999 Explorer 4.0
After months of head scratching, changing the valve body, gaskets etc in the gearbox of my 1999 explorer it turns out the fuse had blown, replaced and all was perfect. Started it again and the fuse blew again, what do you think? A wire shorting out somewhere?

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After months of head scratching, changing the valve body, gaskets etc in the gearbox of my 1999 explorer it turns out the fuse had blown, replaced and all was perfect. Started it again and the fuse blew again, what do you think? A wire shorting out somewhere?
Does anyone have a clue? could it be a wire and which wire or wires it may be?

Mini fuse number 13 I think, 15A. My son checked them for me and it was blown so he changed it, auto box worked correctly for the first time since I've owned the car, went back 20 minutes later and it blew again and wouldn't go into the lower gears or change gear so I'm pressuming there is a wire or wires somewhere that could be frayed a bit and shorting out but no idea where the most common place is.

I have been trying to trace wires but so far all look good, anyone got any ideas if there are particular wires that are prone to giving problems

Well seems to be all fine, replaced fuse again, cleaned connectors on all the relay's and it seems fine at last. Loos like after over 9months of ownereship I may actually be able to drive the thing on the road at last.
