Gap guards-anyone have them and where to get them? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gap guards-anyone have them and where to get them?



I have a 3" body lift, and I just when mudding at a friend's farm over the past weekend, and my engine got sort of dirty fromt he gap, and every day I walk to my car from school, I see the ugly gap in the front fenders. I want to fix this, but want to know where to get the gap guards at? Or does anyone have them that can tell me about them? I don't want them to look like a cheap piece of rubber just hanging down fromt he fender, I want something that almost looks original.

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Thanks guys. I was having toruble fidning this post, I have no idea why I out it under the Under the Hood forum, who knows? I checked out, and I also went to the performance accessories page, and there are 2 different sets. The lift lips ones are $59.99, and the perf. acc. ones are $69.99. Both are basically the same. Does anyone have these though? I just wondering if they look stupid, although that shouldn't matter, as long as it is keeping the debris outta there.

Ok, I ofund 2 different ones, the lift lips, which are $59.95+shipping at Dead Link Removed ). And then there are the Performance accesories ones, which are $58.95 including shipping at . They don't have them listed on their site, but I e-mailed them and they said they had the ones for the explorer. Anyways, what I am asking, if anyone knows which one I should go with. There isn't that big of a price difference, so that doesn't matter much, just wanted to see if anyone thinks one is better than the other. I was going to include a link from the page, but they have frames and I could figure out which page to bookmark and if it would even work. But here's a pic of the perf. acess. gap guards, and a description:
Gap Guards will not only cover the gap in the fenderwell, enhancing the appearance of the vehicle, but they will also help protect the engine compartment and the now exposed areas in the rear fendewell from mud, road grime, and other debis that is thrown around by the tires. Gap Guards are also available to fill the gap between the body and the rear bumper on some vehicles.

Tell me what you guys think
