Greetings from N.W. Ohio | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Greetings from N.W. Ohio


March 27, 2009
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City, State
Ohio, Under U.S. Constitution!
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Mountaineer 4.0 SOHC
:wavey: Greetings Serious Explorers, Mountaineers, and Expeditionary Forces,

We have a 1999 Mountaineer that we factory ordered for my wife. Drivetrain is the 4.0 SOHC Automatic 4WD. Dash selector has three settings; AUTO=Rear w/ auto 4WD when slippage sensed, 4HIGH, 4LOW. Navy Blue w/ Grey rocker panels.

In 2005 I picked up a GMT800 long wheelbase and gave my 2002 GMT800 standard wheelbase to my wife. Now the Mountaineer is my Range Ride & SUAV {Sub Urban Assault Vehicle} as well as my wife's Gardening Truck.

Our GMT800s drivetrains are All Wheel Drive so the Mountaineer also serves as Blizzard Emergency Transport Vehicle.

Only 48K well maintained miles on her. Stock aluminum rims are in basement with beaucoup oxidization of the aluminum under the clear coat. They were replaced last fall with 30X9.50R15LT XTX Sport Wild Country(s) on black rims. She's named The Marauder after what was a promising Panther platform based sedan which sort of lost its way from forced induction plans to normally aspirated four valve production. :(

I sought out a board (forum) as I've a few cosmetic things I need to attend to. The plastic shield over the front bumper is cracked right where the license plate holes are, and I need to remove the plastic cover of the rear bumper, remove the rust from the area where the bumper curves to align with the fenders, then prime and paint. Having done some lightweight mods designed for stealth and tweaked performance on my '97 Grand Marquis w/ handling package, I suspect I may selectively make some small changes to The Marauder as limited cash flow permits.

I've only perused the first couple of pages of the modified late model sub forum, but must say that GreenMountaineer is a man of taste and utilitarian mind set. I wish I had his mechanical skills.

Oh, The Marauder has a K&N stock box air filter, but that goes without saying;). I've begun hearing an exhaust leak proximal to, or behind, the rear axle over the last few weeks so a time will come when I'm forced to make some decision there, or drive with the windows down and a scuba tank and regulator.

As far as contentious "religious" issues go I feel that if you want a car, get a car. If you want a truck, get a truck. But the now wildly popular "Crossovers, Cute-utes, tall minivans, Sport Activity Vehicles {Give me a break BMW}, Cross Dressers, etc." are the equivalent of all season tires. They do everything and do so with annoying mediocrity. The only one that is well executed to my mind is the Volkswagen Toureg. With the discontinued diesel V-10, I think I could be a very happy camper. As a sports car enthusiast I consider the cash cow Porsche Cayenne to border on blasphemy. The BMW X5 I considered an abomination when I first saw it during press week at the Detroit Auto show. The BMW X6 obviously exists to provide unassailable evidence to the rest of us that their owners are conspicuously consuming morons. Why anyone would spend that much money on an X6 when you could buy a cargo hauling and ass hauling BMW 5 Series wagon with an erotically potent yet refined drivetrain is utterly beyond me.

The V-10 Diesel Touregs were hideously expensive, but they were hard core, bona fide, off roaders with the torque of a Cat bulldozer.

Our Marauder is a solid, reliable piece of proven hardware that will be with us until the body panels are gone, I'm driving down the road on a frame, drivetrain and suspension. When the frame rusts in half and the headlights are pointing at the rising moon, then maybe I'll think about making a change. Until then, I'll drop by the forum periodically to see what cool, low difficulty repairs or enhancements I can undertake to make her feel loved. In today's chaotic world, RELIABILITY is a beautiful thing.:cool:

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welcome bill

Welcome, what part of NW Ohio? thats my old stomping ground.

Sylvania Township. We're on the north west periphery of the Communist Enclave of Toledoska. We're The Last Line Of Defense against the Pinkos.

We don't have a Mayor. We've got the United States Constitution! Ooh Rah:salute:

We're on the north west periphery of the Communist Enclave of Toledoska. We're The Last Line Of Defense against the Pinkos.COLOR][/I]

I have no idea what that means but born raised Wood County until I got smart and went south.

We've only lived in the area about twenty years. Not sure when you departed, but one of the fixtures of local politics is Carleton 'Carty' Finkbeiner. He's currently the Mayor of Toledo and was a guest on one of those trashy nightly entertainment news shows. How did he gain Hollyweird's interest you ask? Oh by strokes of political genius such as suggesting that the solution to all the nighttime noise of cargo jets proximal to the Toledo Express Airport be solved by {I swear I am not making this up} buying up all the houses and selling them to DEAF PEOPLE. On the record, in front of live media microphones, and didn't understand why he caught flack for saying so. :fart: His moronic behaviour has been SO outlandish for SO long, he'd been on city council for ever, that no one even takes notice anymore. Racist, stupid, borderline brain damaged, people are no longer offended by him and even homeless folks laugh at him when he says something stupid.

Also, he and the 'lifer' Lucas County Sheriff seem to the think the U.S. Constitution, the Ohio Constitution, not to mention Federal and State law don't apply to them. These two A**Clowns would be a menace if they weren't so inept.

We live in Lucas County but intentionally built our home well beyond the Toledo City limits. Wood County is cool. In fact we ordered our Mountaineer, and my '97 Grand Marquis before it, from Bowling Green Lincoln-Mercury. All the L-M dealerships up here were polyester clad, sleazy, old style sales scum who apparently assumed 'negotiation' involved bending the customer over a table and utilizing a baseball bat. The sales manager at BGLM, by contrast, was a straight shooter who knew I knew all the details of costs, hold backs, volume incentives, etc. I faxed him an option sheet including tax, title, delivery, etc. right down to the penny, he placed the order and called me to inform when it was to be delivered. Incidentally, Wood County has these really kick ass power generating wind mills now, about five of them. They look like something out of Star Trek. The only thing I really don't like about the area is the flat terrain. No good driving roads. That's why I transitioned from the sports cars of my youth to trucks.

I was around for alot of his anticks and I still have family all around that area. I lived in BG, Weston, Grand Rapids, Risingsun and I am willing to admit that I'm a grad of Lakota High class of '88. Besides for the Great Lakes there is absolutly nothing to do in that flat farmland thats why I went south to NC. I live at the foothills of the Smocky Mountains and 4hours from the coast, you coud be rafting class 5 rapids in the mourning and ocean fishing in the evening if you wanted and never leave the state. I can even see the mountain range out my front window. There is sooo much outdoor stuff to do here I could not imagine living on flat land again. I'am still a Buckye fan tho I just can't get into this Duke & NC thing down here.

I envy you. The drive down to Grand Rapids on the south side of the river is a pleasant drive, but not appropriate to spirited driving due to bicycles, bikes, and people perusing the scenery.

My wife and I have had various professions, extended education, and in 1996 we built our 'retirement' home with plans to stay put. Her career is reliable, moderately lucrative, while mine was always subject to cyclical peaks and troughs and now is permanently derailed {Computer Technology skills become outdated very quickly.}

We make our choices and live with the consequences. My career's shot and I'm 'only' 48, there are no driving roads, but at 48 (me) and 56 (my wife) we've got 22 years of marriage at which we have worked hard and continue to not take for granted, our health is O.K., we're not on the verge of losing our house, so I can't really complain although I get grumpy over the corrupt government bottom feeders who canned me for trying to do the right thing. I'd spent a long time in private industry where performance talks and bullshit walks. I was unprepared for the "Dissemble, Delay, Deny" Weasel Mode of dishonest, incompetent lifers, sucking down taxpayer money.

I could have gotten down on my knees and renounced the man my father raised, and still be comfortably "incomed" but the man inside the body would have died a miserable death. Life's too short, and although what passes for our culture does not encourage it, there are still people of integrity and honor, and meeting those Brothers In Arms makes it all worthwhile.
