groaning/grinding when stopping | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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groaning/grinding when stopping


New Member
November 10, 2002
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houston, tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
85 s-10
hey all,

my friend has an '01x with about 51k on the clock. the problem she's having is when she comes to a stop, it can be mild or hard, the brakes make this groaning/grinding sound. the harder you stop, the worse it sounds. i'm pretty good with cars, and to me it doesnt sound like worn pads rubbing on rotors, cause it isn't really a bad screeching or anything like that. i could be wrong though, i'm new to explorers. my initial thought is maybe a wheel bearing, but it doesn't do it unless you step on the brakes so...

any ideas? lemme know if more info is needed.

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Originally posted by 85reds10
hey all,

my friend has an '01x with about 51k on the clock. the problem she's having is when she comes to a stop, it can be mild or hard, the brakes make this groaning/grinding sound. the harder you stop, the worse it sounds. i'm pretty good with cars, and to me it doesnt sound like worn pads rubbing on rotors, cause it isn't really a bad screeching or anything like that. i could be wrong though, i'm new to explorers. my initial thought is maybe a wheel bearing, but it doesn't do it unless you step on the brakes so...

any ideas? lemme know if more info is needed.

Its probably the brakes. The front discs always go out before the rear disc.

I have the same problem w/ my 95... the front brakes/rotors were replaced 19k miles ago. I even took off the pads and looked - they were barely worn. I'm glad someone else has the same problem, and I'm not just going crazy. Someone has to know why this happens!

this actually happens a lot with the use of semimetallic pads...... its normal....

however, at 51k if shes never had the brakes done, at least have them checked out to be safe....

on my 94, i didnt even hear that i had hit the wear sensor, just notinced that the truck wouldnt stop without the ebrake.... and also the truck grinded at a stop.....

Check the brake fluid, frequently if the level is low it is a good indicator the the brake pads are worn.

it's all ford OEM parts I use for brakes.... (that is the one thing I would never go cheap on). There has to be some way to fix it.

mine do the same exact thing ever since I swaped out my pads for some autozone seriously sounds like metal/rotor contact and freaked me out...I pulled everything apart again and they were all fine....

I thought maybe they were getting to hot and put 2 grooves down each one with my dremel but that didn't help either....

Mine is loud too....and only does it at 10mph and scares people ridding with me its so loud...

only thing I can think of is avoid cheap brand pads....I'm not gona pay OEM prices....but i'm gona get some upgraded pads next time...

yeah i cringe every time i hear it...

she did get brake work done not that long ago i believe, and it could be that the guy that did it used cheapy pads i dunno. ill look into that as well.
