Help, can't open hood! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help, can't open hood!


August 22, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Phoenix, Arizona, most recently (I move a lot)
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Explorer Sport
Okay, you've always had to pull really hard on the hood opening thing right under my steering wheel to get it to open ('94) but today, when my car needs oil, I can't open it at all! What do I do? I don't want to break it but it NEEDS oil. Is there any other way to get it open? Anyone had a similar problem???

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I am not sure on your 94, but on some vehicles you and get a 1/4' drive rachet, extensions, and u-joints, and socket into the latch mechanism (through the grill) and simply unbolt it. Once you get it open lubricate the cable and work it back and forth for a while before you shut the hood.


Ok. Is that probably what it is? Just sticky? I would know if something snapped wouldn't I?

I cannot say for sure. Its possible the cable is broken inside the housing and is locked in place. Usually when a cable breaks it pulls out though. Have you ever lubricated the latch or cable (it is a 94)? If not, I bet its just stuck. My 89 ranger would get sticky once in a while and some WD-40 on the latch each time cured it for a while. It never got completely stuck though.

Thanks. I really don't think it's snapped. Maybe I'll just buy some WD-40 and try that. Also I may go find my husband to make a go at it, it could be I'm not pulling hard enough. Also the weather just changed today to extemely hot whereas it was nice all week.

Thanks for the replies!

Youre quite welcome. When you get it figured out, would you post here again and let us know? That way we can help the next person.

Sure, no problem. I'll let you know!

The cable might be caught on something, making it harder to release the latch.

Well, ok, he got it. It was just REALLY sticky. Some WD-40 wilfix it up, but he actually just had to pull as hard as he could until it popped. Thanks to all those who replied!!!



sportex said:
Well, ok, he got it. It was just REALLY sticky. Some WD-40 wilfix it up, but he actually just had to pull as hard as he could until it popped. Thanks to all those who replied!!!

You need to be careful because you can pull the cable off the latch or bust the handle if you pull too hard. I would prop open the hood, spray penetration oil into the latch and work the mechanism back and forth as Brian mentioned. When working it back and forth you will notice a part move next to the cable. This part is a manual release that can be used if the cable breaks...Just use a flat blade screwdriver and pull it up and to the driver's side and the latch will open. After the latch moves freely just shoot in some Wd40 or spray lithium grease. I'll take a few pictures when I get home to show you what I mean.

On my 96 I have popped the hood using a screwdriver to release the latch when the hood release was stuck.

just kneel down and look in there. you should be able to see what needs to be depressed to release the hood.

Thats why you scrap that and install HOOD PINS
