help meeded really quick, q on towing wiring | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help meeded really quick, q on towing wiring


Shine on Benevolent Sun
March 12, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4dr
ok, where is the wiring harness thats plugs ionto a trailer?? i cant find it newhere, nd i need to tow a boat tomorrow. i dont have a hitch if that helps any.

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trailer lights

well it looks like you are going to have to buy the harness and wire it up. to do it all you do is take out the tailights, figure out which wires go where( blinkers brakes etc.) its only 4 wires. both blinker, one for the barkes, and a ground. simple job. good luck.

ok thanks, but where do i buy this??

EDIT: and is there someplace i mayby didnt look for it? where is it sposed to be located??

I think you can buy just a plug in adaptor that taps off with a trailer harness. I haven't put one on a 1st gen, but on my 95, I think it mounts right under the driver side rear taillight. Any good auto parts store should have them.


ok thanks for the help you guys, turns out i had a new harness sittin in my garage, i installed it about 2 hours ago, only took about 5 minutes and it works good.

I was just asking about this on my other post. ;)

Which harness did you buy? Where at? And how much?

I need to do one for my truck.

i didnt have to buy one, i found one lying around in my garage, actually my dad did. it was just a generic harness.

Originally posted by haktmal
I was just asking about this on my other post. ;)

Which harness did you buy? Where at? And how much?

I need to do one for my truck.

For the later Explorers you need an adapter to hook into the trailer tow circuit already provided. Check these threads:

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