Help please!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help please!!!!!


New Member
June 28, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 XLT

I am Neekie and am new this forum but I need HELP!!!!

I have a 2007 Ford Explorer XLT and yesterday while driving I just lost power. The jeep engine was still on and running but when I pressed the accelerator (gas pedal) there was no power. The check engine light came on as well as the little wrench light, so I pulled over and turned the jeep off. After about ten minutes or so, I started the jeep and the power was restored however the check engine light still remained, the little wrench went off.

I went through some water that had settled from the rain but I can't imagine that would have damage something...

What could be the problem???

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Could be a Throttle Position Sensor. Since you have the check engine light on, there is a code stored in the computer that can be read at mostly every auto parts store. Without this code it will be nearly impossible to diagnose the issue.

I had that happen to me turned out that I had "Throttle stuck open" and "Forced idle" codes which is why the wrench light came on and the car would only idle until I shut it off and reset things.
