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help removing middle console


New Member
March 12, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Rockhampton, Queensland
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
hey I just bought a 2002 explorer xlt (not sure if an Australian version is different but i guess there all imported) and now looking for a manual to help dismantle the middle console to get to where the handbrake lever is... Can anyone help or is a there a website or downloadable manual that will get me through it ?

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We don't know what a handbrake is. :D

There's a diagram for removing the floor console in this thread:
Is that what you mean by center console? Page 1 of that same thread has a clearer diagram but some was cut off in posting. Don't know if the exports are the same or not. Good luck.

ps: welcome aboard.

Ya, what handbrake lever?

Most Australian vehicles are right hand drive and so they don't have an emergency brake on the floor then have an e-brake in between the front seats normally in which they normally refer to as the hand brake. Like some of our sports cars here.

I know what a handbrake is, as I hope must here do but never seen one on an X, makes sense though that hole right hand drive thing.

I wonder if my "sport car" has one LOL.

Most sporty cars I've seen has'em. I wasn't trying to be an ass I didn't know if you literally didn't know what it was or not. I've seen 2nd gen right hand drives with them.

Check pic under my name (yes it has one) can't remember the last standard I had that did not have a handbrake (car wise).

Did not think you where being an ass infact did not even think of the right hand thing never been to Australian, too long of a flight for me :)
